Figure FKM-171-1. Mineralogy and zoning in the tweddillite/piemontite-bearing assemblage in sample FKM-171.
The yellow numbers highlight examples of the following minerals visible in this figure:
(1a) piemontite: this is the location of the “low z core” analysis shown in the composition table.
(1b) tweddillite: this is the location of the “mod-low z core” analysis shown in the composition table.
(1c) tweddillite: this is the location of the “mod z core inner rim” analysis shown in the composition table.
(1d) tweddillite: this is the location of the “high z mid-outer rim” analysis shown in the composition table. This analysis is also the focus of the Normalizing epidote-group minerals in MS Excel YouTube tutorial video.
(1e) piemontite: this is the location of the “v. low z overgrowth” analysis shown in the composition table.
(2) braunite: this location corresponds to the braunite analysis shown in the composition table.
(3) cryptomelane: this location corresponds to the cryptomelane analysis shown in the composition table.
(4) Mn-bearing aluminoceladonite: this is the location for an EDS identification spot; the analyses for this mineral were done elsewhere in the thin section.
(5) K-feldspar: this is the location for an EDS identification spot; the analyses for this mineral were done elsewhere in the thin section.
(6) aegirine: this location corresponds to the aegirine analysis shown in the composition table.
(7) zircon: this is the location for an EDS identification spot; however, zircon was not quantitatively analyzed in this sample.
(8) Mn-bearing phlogopite: this is the location for an EDS identification spot; the analyses for this mineral were done elsewhere in the thin section.
Figure FKM-171-2. Mineralogy and zoning in the tweddillite/piemontite-bearing assemblage in sample FKM-171.
The yellow numbers highlight examples of the following minerals visible in this figure:
(1a1) piemontite: although from a different grain, this material is similar to the “low z core” analysis shown in the composition table (similar to point 1a in Figure FKM-171-1).
(1a2) piemontite: this material is slightly higher z than the previous “low z core” material shown in point 1a1 but only slightly differs in composition.
(1b) tweddillite: although from a different grain, this material is similar to the “mod-low z core” analysis shown in the composition table (similar to point 1b in Figure FKM-171-1).
(1c) tweddillite: although from a different grain, this material is similar to the “mod z core inner rim” analysis shown in the composition table (similar to point 1c in Figure FKM-171-1).
(1d) tweddillite: although from a different grain, this material is similar to the “high z mid-outer rim” analysis shown in the composition table (similar to point 1d in Figure FKM-171-1, although this particular spot is somewhat less REE-enriched).
(1e) piemontite: although from a different grain, this material is similar to the “v. low z overgrowth” analysis shown in the composition table (similar to point 1e in Figure FKM-171-1).
(2) braunite: this is the location for an EDS identification spot; the analyses for this mineral were done elsewhere in the thin section (see Figure FKM-171-1).
(3) albite: this is the location for an EDS identification spot; the analyses for this mineral were done elsewhere in the thin section.
(4) Mn-bearing aluminoceladonite: this is the location for an EDS identification spot; the analyses for this mineral were done elsewhere in the thin section.
(5) cerianite-(Ce): this location corresponds to the cerianite-(Ce) analysis shown in the composition table.
(6) Mn-bearing phlogopite: this is the location for an EDS identification spot; the analyses for this mineral were done elsewhere in the thin section.
Figure FKM-202-1. Texture of the hibonite+grossite assemblage in sample FKM-202.
The orange numbers highlight examples of the following minerals visible in this figure:
(1) diaoyudaoite-like Al-rich oxide: the dark gray enlongated blades and the similarly-shaded irregular area on the right.
(2) hibonite: the slightly paler gray areas both intimately associated with the “diaoyudaoite” and as discrete crystals in the grossite matrix.
(3) grossite: the main homogeneous medium gray matrix hosting the other phases. One example of grossite within a “diaoyudaoite”-hibonite mass is also highlighted.
(4) “Al-V-Mg-oxide”: the light gray generally equant crystals scattered within the grossite matrix.
(5) fluorite: the light gray area infilling a crack between the grossite and a “diaoyudaoite”-hibonite crystal. The white circle adjacent to the number is beam damage in the fluorite.
(6) vanadium metal: the circular and irregular bright white areas are intergrowths of two vanadium alloys. A more detailed look at the numbered grain is shown in Figure FKM-202-3, below.
Figure FKM-202-2. Texture of the hibonite+grossite assemblage in sample FKM-202.
The orange numbers highlight examples of the following minerals visible in this figure.
(1) diaoyudaoite-like Al-rich oxide: the dark gray enlongated blades and the similarly-shaded crudely hexagonal crystals.
(2) hibonite: the slightly paler gray areas both included in the “diaoyudaoite” and as larger irregular masses.
(3) grossite: the main homogeneous medium gray matrix hosting the other phases.
(4) gehlenite: the medium-light gray intergrown with fluorite and perovskite in a cavity between larger grossite crystals.
(5) “Al-V-Mg-oxide”: the light gray generally equant crystals scattered within the grossite matrix.
(6) fluorite: the light gray area intergrown with gehlenite and perovskite in a cavity between larger grossite crystals. The fuzzy white circle adjacent to the number is beam damage in the fluorite.
(7) perovskite: the very light gray area intergrown with gehlenite and fluorite in a cavity between larger grossite crystals.
(8) vanadium metal: the small bright white grain adjacent to the number (also similar material in the view).
Figure FKM-202-3. Texture of the vanadium “droplets” in the hibonite+grossite assemblage in sample FKM-202.
This grain is the one identified by 6 in Figure FKM-202-1. The orange numbers highlight examples of the following minerals visible in this figure.
(1) crudely equant “low-Fe” vanadium core containing ~1.5 wt% Fe.
(2) dendritic “high-Fe” vanadium containing ~6.3 wt% Fe, surrounding the core.
Figure FKM-212-1. Mineralogy and zoning in the osumilite-bearing assemblage in sample FKM-212.
The yellow numbers highlight examples of the following minerals visible in this figure:
(A) main osumilite-(Mg): the dark thin veinlets and the larger dark area just below the marked spot within the host osumilite are filled with a chlorite-like mixed layer sheet silicate akin to a “Mg-dominant tosudite”.
(5) microperthitic alkali feldspar intermixed with osumilite. This material appears to be very finely-intergrown and only yielded mixed analyses.
(6) “alkali-free osumilite” or potentially a [1 cordierite]+[6 quartz] proportion symplectite: this is the location of the “alkali-free osumilite” analysis shown in the composition table. Note that the analyzed area and similar BSE-shaded areas of the same material appear ostensibly phase-homogeneous, but may alternatively be fine-grained symplectites of essentially non-BSE-differentiable cordierite and quartz.
(7) corderite: this is the location of the cordierite analysis shown in the composition table.
(8) Al-rich orthopyroxene: this is the location of the “most Al-rich enstatite” analysis shown in the composition table.
Figure FKM-220-CL. Cathodoluminescence of pabstite, BaSn[Si3O9], in sample FKM-220.
This photograph, captured with just an iPhone SE camera, shows the remarkably intense bright blue-white cathodoluminescence (CL) of pabstite (the Sn-equivalent of benitoite [with Ti] and bazirite [with Zr], both similarly cathodoluminescent) lighting up the monitor of our Cameca SX100 electron microprobe during the high-current trace element portion of this analysis. The beam current during this portion is 299 nA; the pabstite was also cathodoluminescent during the earlier low-current (20 nA) major element portion of the analysis, but glowed somewhat less brightly. The horizontal dimension of the illuminated grain is roughly 1 mm.
Figure SIMS/LA-ICP-MS garnet standard mount.
This set of images show the garnet standard mount I prepared at the SHRIMP-RG lab in Stanford, CA in February 2007. The top pair of images show the actual garnets grains as placed on the tape (left) and its accompanying key (right). The middle image is a composite set of false-color X-ray maps showing the distribution of Mg, Ca, Mn and Fe among the samples (note that the maps are flipped from left to right, to correspond the previous grain image and key). The bottom image is a summary of major and minor element contents, by EPMA, of the garnet samples. Additional trace element data from SIMS and LA-ICP-MS are also available for the samples. The two highlighted samples (garnet-18 and garnet-28) were among the most suitable samples for the trace element evaluation of typical pyrope-almandine-spessartine-rich metapelitic garnet.
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