non-FKM series samples


Check out the thin section scans introduction page for more information on the variety of samples featured here, how the scans were taken & processed for web display, and what additional optical and analytical data I hope to include in the figure captions as I continue to update the site and add to the collection of thin sections.

There’s also a fully searchable index covering the complete thin section set, listing for each sample its locality, the anticipated major minerals, a brief generalized geologic environment description, and where appropriate, the nature of any unusual element enrichments.

Note: Depending on the speed of your internet connection, it could take a minute or two for the images to load. If after the page looks like it’s finished loading but some of the thin section images appear to be missing, reloading the page will typically fix the problem.


left image: unpolarized light; right image: under crossed polarizers; use slider in center to view more of either image

sample: K-65 (covered and yellowing thin section from Univ. Arizona petrology collection [unfortunately, the original billet & hand sample appear to be lost], Krantz collection, sample K-65)
locality: Kaltes Tal, Bad Harzburg, Harz Mtn. region, Niedersachsen, Germany.
rock type: mica peridotite (as small lenses in norite). Also known locally as “glimmerite”.

representative photomicrographs of the thin section:
the left image pair highlights potential pleochroism and/or variable relief with respect to polarizer orientation;
the right image pair is the same coverage as the left image pair, but compares views in plane polarized light (E-W polarization direction) and under crossed polarizers.

left image: PPL E-W polarization; right image: PPL N-S polarization;
use slider in center to view more of either image; 2X objective, HFOV = 4.5 mm
left image: plane polarized light (PPL); right image: under crossed polarizers (XP);
use slider in center to view more of either image; 2X objective, HFOV = 4.5 mm

major mineralogy: Based on petrography, predominately forsterite and red Ti-rich(?) biotite, with gray spinel and minor oxide (believed to be ilmenite).

accompanying videos: Short videos featuring the mineral associations and optical properties of the biotite in this thin section offer a more detailed look at this sample.

mineral PPL (lower
polar rotation)
(stage rotation)
(stage rotation)
optic figure
(stage rotation)
PPL: pale tan-orange/red-orange/deep brown-red pleochroism, moderate relief;
XP: high birefringence largely masked by body color of mineral, mottled extinction;
with spinel, forsterite and an opaque oxide (covered thin section)


previous page (samples FKM-451 to FKM-475)

This “add photo(s)” image is just a placeholder in advance of adding new samples, so check back periodically to see my progress.

more testing: evaluating a different plugin to do the before-after effect:

Bad Harzburg Germany mica peridotite glimmerite in thin section
Bad Harzburg Germany mica peridotite glimmerite in thin section