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The Vimeo-hosted versions of these video are also search-engine discoverable, and can be found by searching for the term “thin section” coupled with the sample number (e.g. “thin section FKM-49”), with or without also including the accompanying mineral name. YouTube-hosted versions of these videos are no longer search-engine discoverable (in protest of YouTube polluting even short educational videos with non-optional ads… grrr!), but can still be found organized in playlists on my rockPTX YouTube channel.
mineral | PPL (lower polar rotation) |
PPL (stage rotation) |
XP (stage rotation) |
optic figure (stage rotation) |
melilite (FKM-56): Na-rich melilite (0.36 Na apfu; 0.46 Mg apfu) in haüyne melilitolite (“okaite”), with calcite, phlogopite trioctahedral mica, apatite and magnetite |
melilite (FKM-114): Na-rich melilite (0.36 Na apfu; 0.53 Mg apfu) in olivine melilitite, with forsterite olivine, diopside clinopyroxene and nepheline |
åkermanite (FKM-262): åkermanite-dominant (0.23 Al apfu; 0.67 Mg apfu; 0.25 Na apfu) melilite in alkaline ultramafic intrusive, with diopside clinopyroxene |
gehlenite (FKM-271): Fe-rich gehlenite-dominant (0.30 Fe3+ apfu) melilite in pyrometamorphic sanidinite facies phosphatic metacarbonate, with apatite and brown cebollite (note: thin section is slightly thick) |
“blue melilite” (FKM-384): “blue melilite” (Fe2+-Fe3+ IVCT?; zoned with “yellow melilite”) in sanidinite-facies paralava (further characterization of melilite and associated minerals pending) |
“yellow melilite” (FKM-384): “yellow melilite” (Fe3+-bearing?) in sanidinite-facies paralava (further characterization of melilite and associated minerals pending) |
hardystonite (FKM-303): zoned hardystonite (main: 0.09 [Al+Mg+Fe] apfu & 0.06 Na apfu; patchy: 0.05 [Sr+Pb] apfu) in high-grade Mn-Zn metasomatite, with bustamite and andradite garnet |
bertrandite (FKM-209): open-space filling bertrandite sheaves in granite pegmatite, with fluorapatite |
bertrandite (FKM-291): bertrandite in skarn, with quartz and carbonate |
tinzenite (FKM-185): tinzenite (axinite group) in metasomatized meta-Mn-exhalite, with quartz |
lawsonite (FKM-109): lawsonite in blueschist facies metabasite, with garnet, glaucophane amphibole, white mica and chlorite |
itoigawaite (FKM-396): itoigawaite in jadeitite, with jadeite |
niocalite (FKM-57): niocalite in sövite carbonatite, with calcite and apatite |
hiortdahlite (FKM-315): hiortdahlite in metamorposed agpaitic syenite, with fluorite, alkali feldspar (primarily microcline) and zoned omphacite/aegirine-augite clinopyroxene |
mosandrite-(Ce) (FKM-65): mosandrite-(Ce) in metamorposed agpaitic syenite, with microcline K-feldspar, eudialyte and fluoro-richterite amphibole |
mosandrite-(Ce) (FKM-145): mosandrite-(Ce) in agpaitic nepheline syenite, with arfvedsonite amphibole, aegirine clinopyroxene, eudialyte and nepheline |
lomonosovite (FKM-407): lomonosovite in agpaitic nepheline syenite, with barytolamprophyllite, delhayelite, K-feldspar, eudialyte and nepheline |
lamprophyllite (FKM-17): lamprophyllite in nepheline syenite, with aegirine, nepheline and microcline |
lamprophyllite (FKM-320): lamprophyllite in nepheline syenite, with potassic-arfvedsonite, alkali feldspar and eudialyte |
barytolamprophyllite (FKM-407): barytolamprophyllite in agpaitic nepheline syenite, with aenigmatite, delhayelite, potassic-arfvedsonite, K-feldspar and nepheline |
melanotekite (FKM-86): melanotekite in high grade calcareous Ba-Mn-metasomatite, with phlogopite trioctahedral mica |
strontioruizite (FKM-173): orange strontioruizite (1.82 Sr apfu) in Mn-metasomatite, with aluminosugilite/sugilite ss, quartz, pectolite and fine-grained aegirine. |
prismatine (FKM-59): prismatine (kornerupine group) in granulite facies B-bearing metapelite, with plagioclase feldspar and tourmaline |
allanite-(Ce) (FKM-131): allanite-(Ce) (epidote group) in calc-silicate REE-U metasomatite, with andradite garnet |
[Cr+V]-bearing allanite-(Ce) (FKM-332): epidote-group allanite-(Ce) with up to 0.39 [M1+M3]Cr apfu and up to 0.11 [M1+M3]V apfu in alkali-chloride metasomatized low-grade meta-“oil shale”, with tremolite, quartz and alkali feldspars |
ferriallanite-(Ce) (FKM-89): anomalously low-2V° ferriallanite-(Ce) (epidote group) in REE-metasomatite, with cerite-(Ce) and tremolite amphibole |
dollaseite-(Ce) (FKM-188): anomalously high-2V° dollaseite-(Ce) (1.69 [M1+M3]Mg apfu; epidote group) in calcareous REE-metasomatite, with tremolite amphibole and calcite |
dollaseite-(Ce) (FKM-368): anomalously high-2V° dollaseite-(Ce) in calcareous REE-metasomatite, with tremolite amphibole |
“ferridissakisite-(Ce)”-dollaseite-(Ce) ss (FKM-370): patchy zoned “ferridissakisite-(Ce)”/dollaseite-(Ce) (0.41-0.51 M1Fe3+ apfu; 0.47-0.56 M1Mg apfu; epidote group) in REE-metasomatite, with tremolite |
epidote (FKM-4): epidote (0.50 Fe3+ apfu; epidote group) in blueschist, with glaucophane amphibole |
epidote (FKM-44): zoned epidote (0.53 Fe3+ apfu core; 0.99 Fe3+ apfu rim; epidote group) in greenschist facies Na-Ca metasomatite, with quartz and chlorite |
hancockite (FKM-88): hancockite (epidote group) in high grade calcareous Zn-Mn-Pb-Ba metasomatite, with barite |
piemontite (FKM-2): Sr-bearing (0.36 Sr apfu) piemontite (epidote group) in meta-Mn-exhalite, with titanite and quartz |
piemontite/Mn-rich epidote (FKM-341): zoned piemontite to epidote (0.52 Mn3+ apfu & 0.31 Fe3+ apfu core; 0.50 Fe3+ apfu & 0.32 Mn3+ apfu rim; epidote group) in whiteschist-associated Mn-bearing calc-silicate, with calcic amphibole |
clinozoisite (FKM-168): clinozoisite (0.32 Fe3+ apfu; epidote group) in calc-silicate, with quartz |
[Mn+Fe]-bearing clinozoisite (FKM-360): epidote-group clinozoisite with ~0.30 Fe apfu and ~0.11 Mn apfu in alkali-chloride metasomatite, with marialite scapolite |
zoisite (FKM-1): zoisite (“tanzanite”; 1.00 M3Al apfu) in high grade calc-silicate, with grossular garnet, quartz and calcite |
zoisite (FKM-68): Cr-bearing zoisite (0.01 Cr apfu in high grade meta-gabbroid, with pargasite amphibole and corundum |
zoisite (FKM-290): Cr-bearing zoisite (0.02 Cr apfu in high grade meta-gabbroid |
västmanlandite-(Ce) (FKM-370): västmanlandite-(Ce) in REE-metasomatite, with fluorbritholite-(Ce) and gadolinite-(Ce) |
shuiskite-(Mg) (FKM-316): zoned shuiskite-(Mg) (est. 0.31 XCr apfu & 0.62 YCr apfu) to Cr-bearing (est. 0.35 XCr apfu & 1.04 YCr apfu) pumpellyite-(Mg) in altered chromatite, with zoned uvarovite/Cr-bearing grossular garnet |
vesuvianite (FKM-110): anomalously biaxial vesuvianite in high grade calc-silicate skarn, with fine-grained undifferentiated alteration minerals |
vesuvianite (FKM-263): vesuvianite in Al-rich “calc-skarnoid”, with hibonite and calcite |
manganvesuvianite (FKM-334): Cu-bearing manganvesuvianite in Mn-metasomatite, with opaque hausmannite; (note: colorless portion of sample is epoxy) |
ganomalite (FKM-324): anomalously B(+) ganomalite in high grade calcareous Mn-metasomatite, with phlogopite, calcite and garnet(?) |
yoshimuraite (FKM-299): yoshimuraite in meta-Mn-metasomatite, with “rhodonite”, hjalmarite amphibole, and quartz |
ardennite-(As) (FKM-372): ardennite-(As) in quartz vein cutting Mn-bearing schist, with quartz |
benitoite (FKM-244): benitoite in serpentine-hosted natrolite veins, with neptunite and natrolite(?) |
beryl (FKM-288): beryl in granite pegmatite-associated Be-F metasomatite, with phenakite, fluorite and biotite |
cordierite (FKM-23): uncommonly B(+) & weakly pleochroic cordierite (1.67 Mg apfu) in granulite facies metapelite, with garnet and rutile |
cordierite (FKM-46): uncommonly B(+) cordierite partially altered to pinite in granulite facies B-bearing metapelite, with garnet and K-feldspar |
baratovite (FKM-278): baratovite in alkali granite, with aegirine, albite and quartz |
katayamalite (FKM-399): katayamalite in Li-metasomatized albitite, with albite, murakamiite-pectolite ss and sugilite |
dravite (FKM-292): dravite (2.58 YMg apfu) in tourmaline-bearing mica schist, with muscovite dioctahedral mica |
foitite (FKM-70): foitite tourmaline in a B-bearing meta-“advanced argillic” metasomatite, with dumortierite and illite? |
uvite (FKM-119): uvite (OH-dominant) tourmaline (anomalously biaxial) in Mg-metasomatic talc schist, with talc |
uvite (FKM-210): uvite tourmaline in Mg-metasomatite, with magnesite |
lucchesiite (FKM-425): lucchesiite tourmaline in Ca-contaminated granite, with quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, apatite, diopside and titanite |
presumably U(-), but the appropriate orientation is too dark to obtain a figure (O = essentially opaque) | |||
oxy-schorl (FKM-85): zoned oxy-schorl tourmaline in granite, with quartz |
oxy-schorl/”oxy-olenite” (FKM-281): oxy-schorl with thin near-rim “oxy-olenite” tourmaline in granite, with quartz and orthoclase “perthite” feldspar |
oxy-dravite (FKM-102): zoned oxy-dravite (core) to dravite (rim) tourmaline in muscovite biotite mica schist |
oxy-dravite (FKM-166): Cr-bearing (0.57 to 0.94 Cr apfu) green oxy-dravite tourmaline in metasomatic fuchsite schist, with quartz and Cr-bearing muscovite dioctahedral mica |
oxy-chromium-dravite (FKM-276): bright green oxy-chromium-dravite (4.68 to 5.18 [Y+Z]Cr apfu; [Y+Z]Cr/[Y+Z](Cr+Al) = 0.72 to 0.79) tourmaline in granulite facies metasomatic calcareous meta-evaporite, with quartz and Cr-bearing tremolite amphibole (100X) |
povondraite (FKM-71): zoned povondraite to “K-povondraite” tourmaline in meta-evaporite, with alkali feldspar and hydromagnesite? |
osumilite (FKM-240): anomalously biaxial osumilite (0.95 Fe2+ apfu; 0.85 Mg apfu; osumilite group) in rhyodacite(?), with tridymite and/or cristobalite |
anomalously biaxial with a mod-low 2V°, but the optic sign was inconclusive & the figure was of too low quality to be useful here | |||
sogdianite-sugilite join ss (FKM-430): anomalously biaxial osumilite group composition halfway along the sogdianite-sugilite join in rare element (Cs-B-Li)-enriched granite, with aegirine, albite and quartz |
sogdianite-sugilite join ss (FKM-432): anomalously biaxial osumilite group composition along the sogdianite-sugilite join in rare element (Cs-B-Li)-enriched granite, with aegirine-augite and albite |
sugilite (FKM-399): anomalously biaxial sugilite (osumilite group) in Li-metasomatized albitite, with albite, murakamiite-pectolite ss and aegirine-augite clinopyroxene |
sugilite (FKM-400): sugilite (osumilite group) in Mn-metasomatite, with pectolite | ||||
[Zr+Ti]-enriched sugilite (FKM-433): anomalously biaxial sugilite-dominant osumilite group composition, zoned up to 0.49 Zr apfu and 0.48 Ti apfu, in rare element (Cs-B-Li)-enriched granite, with quartz and minor aegirine and albite |
aluminosugilite (FKM-173): pale lilac aluminosugilite cores (1.10 MAl apfu; 0.57 MMn3+ apfu) rimmed by deeper lilac sugilite (1.11 MFe3+ apfu; 0.72 MMn3+ apfu; osumilite group) in Mn-metasomatite, with quartz, pectolite and fine-grained intergrown amphibole+aegirine. |
presumably U(-), but the birefringence was too low to obtain a figure | |||
eudialyte (FKM-77): zoned eudialyte in kakortokite, with albite plagioclase |
eudialyte (FKM-130): eudialyte in nepheline syenite, with aegirine clinopyroxene and alkali feldspar |
eudialyte (FKM-145): eudialyte in agpaitic nepheline syenite, with amphibole, alkali feldspar and nepheline |
eudialyte (FKM-346): anomalously biaxial eudialyte in agpaitic nepheline syenite, with alkali feldspar, aegirine and nepheline |
ferrokentbrooksite (FKM-207): weakly pleochroic and anomalously slightly biaxial irregularly-zoned ferrokentbrooksite to eudialyte (M2Fe2+ > M2Mn2+; 0.76 to 0.17 M3Nb apfu) in agpaitic nepheline syenite, with albite and nepheline |
titantaramellite (FKM-53b): titantaramellite in Ba-metasomatite, with quartz, gillespite, actinolite and alforsite |
cerchiaraite-(Fe) (FKM-53b): strongly pleochroic zoned cerchiaraite-(Fe) to near cerchiaraite-(Al) in Ba-metasomatite, with sanbornite, gillespite, actinolite and quartz |
muirite (FKM-344): muirite in Ba-metasomatite, with sanbornite, celsian and quartz |
single chain inosilicates in thin section
double chain and more complex inosilicates in thin section
phyllosilicates in thin section
tectosilicates and miscellaneous silicates in thin section