The images presented here are overlaid paired scans of my teaching collection of “exotic” rock thin sections. The left image is the sample in unpolarized light (having found a new thinner polarizing film, samples from 2022 onwards will be scanned in E-W plane-polarized light… see below for details); the right image is the same view under crossed polars. The image pair features a central slider that can be moved left or right to compare specific features under either light condition. In some cases, an additional scan or photo will follow the first image pair, for example, to show the N-S plane-polarized view for strongly pleochroic samples, or to show photo under UV for fluorescent samples, or for some other illustrative purpose.
The featured samples illustrate some of the mineralogical & compositional diversity of a variety of unusual & uncommon igneous, metamorphic, and metasomatic rocks from around the world. The minerals included in my three-volume series of optical mineralogy e-books were photographed from among the first 100 or so of these particular thin sections. Indeed, with a bit of searching, the specific photographed grains can be located in these wider-field scans, providing an even fuller petrographic context to the e-book photos. A detailed figure caption follows the images and presently includes:
(1) the thin section number. All but one of the thin sections are FKM series; in the cases where source material for the billets was sampled from the research collections, or was donated or gifted to me by colleagues, that information is noted.
(2) the sample locality. For most samples, I’ve added a link to the location description on, which provides useful additional information on associated minerals, geologic environment, map coordinates, and locality & specimen photos. A few samples are from unknown or presumed localities, and are so noted.
(3) a descriptive rock name, followed in most cases by some additional petrogenetic interpretations (to be improved over time as I learn more about each sample).
(4) a summary of major minerals present, and any distinctive special textural relationships, such as symplectites, veins or alteration. In some cases, I’ve added some of my own analytical data to highlight notable compositional features of specific minerals, or alternatively, to describe the distribution of certain rare elements among multiple minerals within an unusual bulk composition. Check out the microprobe analytical routines page to see the optimized set of major, minor and trace elements sought for different mineral groups. For certain samples, this section also includes notes about how some of the minerals were normalized (including assumptions or estimates); notes on the crystal chemistry, P-T-X conditions of formation, and/or nomenclature (with external links, when available); and also any relationship to other samples in this collection (with internal links).
For some samples, (5) accompanying videos, including a table of important minerals in the sample, with descriptions of color/pleochroism in PPL, and birefringence in XP. Video coverage is in the early stages and should expand with each periodic update. These optical details to make it easier for viewers to pick out specific minerals in the images, and also in their own samples. I’m also in the process of adding detailed tabulated mineral composition data for the thin sections I’ve been able to take to the microprobe (at this point, roughly half of them). Compiling these tables will be slow going, so check back periodically to follow my progress.
The originals of these scans were captured as TIFF files with a CanoScan 9000f Mark II scanner at 2400 dpi using positive color film mode, with subsequent post-processing in Apple Preview to improve white balance, exposure, sharpness, and resizing to 3300 x 2100 pixels (for an individual file size of ~27 MB… yes, these are a bit unwieldily large!) Each thin section was first scanned in unpolarized light and then again between two sheets of crossed polaroid film aligned parallel to the thin section edges. Originally, “plane polarized” scanning in separate E-W & N-S orientations was attempted to highlight pleochroic variation, but this ultimately had to be abandoned due to significant (and very unsightly!) stray polarization effects [update: in July 2022, I tried out a much thinner polarizing film (0.22 mm) that apparently doesn’t produce a noticeable stray polarization. So for samples FKM-341 onwards, the left-hand scan image no longer uses regular unpolarized light, but is now a true E-W plane-polarized light scan. For occasional samples where only a single pleochroism color is observed in a mineral of interest due to preferred orientation (e.g. the mostly same-oriented serendibite in FKM-371), I’ve added a separate, additional N-S plane-polarized scan to highlight a different pleochroism color. Finally, for selected especially pleochroic samples added prior to FKM-341, as time allows, I’ll go back and re-scan those samples in plane-polarized light]. For the most effective outcome of the “before/after” photo plugin I’ve utilized here to produce the slider feature, I tried my best to ensure that the photo pair are similarly framed (and hence that they overlap as well as possible).
To produce manageable file sizes appropriate for web display, the original TIFF files were converted to JPG files (at the “highest compression” setting, reducing each to ~450 kB), and then set to display at 800 x 509 pixels. Despite the high compression, the images appear almost indistinguishable from the original TIFF images, at least when viewed at typical laptop (Retina display) or mobile device screen sizes; nonetheless, each JPG file is less than 2% of its former TIFF size. I’m certainly no expert at image processing for web display, and indeed what you’re now seeing is my second attempt (my first attempt resulted in noticeably “fuzzy” images). I’m open to suggestions about better ways to display high quality images at manageable sizes, but I have to say that I’m pretty happy with the sharpness of this second batch of photos. For scale, each image captures a central area of approximately 35 x 22 mm of the thin section; consequently, 1 pixel represents about 44 μm of the sample.
All of the FKM series thin sections are uncovered and polished, so quite a number have spent time in the microprobe. For those lucky samples, I typically have analytical data on essentially the entire assemblage, and will try to incorporate more of those results here as I continue to update this page. Most of the samples in the FKM series were purchased from several “rare-mineral” dealers at the various Tucson Gem & Mineral Show venues between 2010 and 2022, and from a few similar online dealers (note: identifications not verified by analytical data are based on dealers’ labels, and in several cases, dealers’ labels have been found to be disappointingly incorrect). I try to add roughly 30-50 new thin sections every year, so look for this collection to grow.
Unlike some other collections of thin section images on the web, there are few rock types represented here that would likely be covered in an “intro to petrology” course. Nonetheless, although many of the featured rocks and their constituent minerals are quite rare and unusual (and so perhaps may seem to be of little particular interest to most viewers), a number of these samples are from classic localities, a few are great examples of diagnostic optical properties such as marked pleochroism or striking anomalous birefringence, and all illustrate an interesting texture, mineral assemblage, or bulk composition. Indeed, for a few of these rocks, only a limited number of geologists have ever even seen them in thin section; therefore, I’m very happy to be able to share the images of these really “cool” out-of-the-ordinary rocks with the global online community.
Note: I currently have just over 400 samples featured here, so it’ll probably take some time to fill in all of the caption information accompanying each image (hence the “test” and “add photo(s)” placeholders currently under some samples); check back periodically to follow my progress. And finally, please remember, these images are copyrighted. Enjoy them here for their academic and aesthetic value, but please don’t copy or use them offsite without permission. If you do have a particular educational or research interest in some of the images, I’d be happy to give permission for their limited (& not-for-profit) use… just ask (you can contact the website administrator).
So, browse the pages below, or use the index search bar to find specific samples of interest based on mineralogy or other search criteria. Note: if you have a slow internet connection, it might take a minute or two to load these image-intensive pages.
index of scanned thin sections
Amending these entries (not only the “anticipated minerals” column, but also the “general environment” and “notable enrichment” columns) is an ongoing process, so look for this table to become more accurate and more detailed with time (and thus ideally more useful too).
Of course, the strength of this table is the ability to search for and isolate samples based on user-selected criteria. For samples with detailed petrographic or analytical data, I’ve formatted the mineral entries to be particularly search-friendly, by including common mineral group and series names, informal names of compositional varieties, as well as an indication of whether multiple names represent discrete phases or simply compositional gradation. The formats are:
—plain font without quotation marks: recognized species (e.g. forsterite).
—plain font with quotation marks: non-end-member varietal names (e.g. “oligoclase”), potentially new species that are not yet recognized (e.g. “SrSr-ruizite”… I’ve tried to follow logical nomenclature conventions in these cases and use established root-names with appropriate chemical modifiers), or names that are in the process of being replaced but are still in common usage (e.g. “sodic-gedrite”).
—italics font: commonly used mineral family or series names (e.g. amphibole, biotite, plagioclase).
—parentheses and brackets, except when used for Levinson suffixes, identify the specific minerals of a family or series that are present, or alternatively, note the absence or mis-identification of a species that was anticipated from the dealer label, or note some other important feature.
—a back-slash between minerals denotes a composition which straddles a nomenclature boundary, or a compositional gradation between two or more end-members. For example, the entry:
can either represent an essentially homogeneous composition on the Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) = 0.9 nomenclature boundary that delineates tremolite from actinolite, or alternatively, represent a zoned amphibole grading from distinctly tremolite regions to distinctly actinolite regions. Check the more detailed figure caption accompanying the particular sample of interest to determine which of these two very different situations is applicable.
—a comma between minerals denotes distinct phases within a sample. For example, the entry:
muscovite, quartz
means that both minerals are present as individual species.
In the case where two minerals seem like they should be part of a compositional gradation but are separated by a comma rather than a back-slash, for example:
amphibole [magnesio-hornblende, actinolite])
also denotes distinct phases and indicates the minerals formed separately rather than as a single zoned crystal (e.g. igneous magnesio-hornblende rimmed by later actinolite alteration).
Multiple formats may be used in combination to convey richer detail. For example:
feldspar (K-spar [Ba-rich orthoclase, microcline], plagioclase [“oligoclase”/”andesine”, albite])
indicates that microcline and a Ba-rich orthoclase are both present as distinct K-spar phases. These potassium feldspars occur with a compositionally zoned plagioclase gradational between oligoclase and andesine (or, a homogeneous Ab70An30 plagioclase), as well as an additional separate albite phase.
The preceding feldspar example also demonstrates that by using this format, a user can expand or narrow a search by selecting either a general search term or a more specific one (for example, searching for all samples containing any feldspar, any plagioclase, or a specific plagioclase composition range). Cool, huh?
Anticipated minerals listed in gray are based on dealer labels, on hand sample evaluation, or on subsequent optical evaluation of the prepared thin section; minerals listed in black have been further examined with the microprobe. In a few cases, some of the samples with minerals listed in gray have in fact been microprobed, but the data either haven’t been normalized yet, or haven’t been tabulated in the index yet. Finally, note that the listed order for a sample is not based on abundance, but rather roughly follows Dana’s classification.
sample number | locality | anticipated major minerals | general environment | notable enriched elements |
FKM-1 | Merelani, Tanzania | graphite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), garnet (V-rich grossular), titanite, zoisite, pyroxene (diopside), quartz | granulite facies organic-rich calc-silicate | vanadium |
FKM-2 | Prabornaz mine, St. Marcel, Italy | rutile, braunite, Sb-rich titanite, epidote group (Sr-rich piemontite), quartz, feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase]) | meta manganiferous sediment | manganese, antimony, strontium |
FKM-3 | Palos Hill, Syros, Greece | monazite-(Ce), titanite, epidote group (epidote/REE-rich epidote), pyroxene (jadeite/omphacite/aegirine-augite), amphibole (nybøite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually glaucophane]), mica (muscovite/paragonite) | UHP blueschist/eclogite transitional | |
FKM-4 | Kiona Bay, Tinos, Greece | spinel group (magnetite), apatite (fluorapatite), garnet (almandine), titanite, epidote group (epidote), pyroxene (omphacite), amphibole (ferrowinchite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually winchite], glaucophane, actinolite), chlorite (clinochlore) | blueschist/greenschist transitional | |
FKM-5 | Cape Marmari, Syros, Greece | calcite, titanite, lawsonite (listed on dealer label but not observed; completely pseudomorphed by the low grade minerals), pumpellyite-(Al), amphibole (actinolite), mica (muscovite), chlorite (clinochlore) | blueschist/greenschist/prehnite-pumpellyite transitional | chromium |
FKM-6 | Ottré, Liege, Belgium | hematite, apatite (fluorapatite), monazite-(Ce), ottrélite (listed on dealer label but not observed; actually Mn-rich chloritoid), mica (muscovite), chlorite (clinochlore) | low-mod grade metapelite | manganese |
FKM-7 | Brenk, Eifel Volcanic Fields, Germany | perovskite group (perovskite), apatite (fluorapatite), rinkite, pyroxene (diopside, aegirine-augite), feldspar (K-spar [sanidine]), sodalite group (nosean), nepheline, Na-rich leucite, zeolite (“K-rich natrolite?”, analcime) | nosean phonolite | potassium, sulfur, chlorine |
FKM-8 | Sterling Hill, Sussex Co., NJ, USA | brucite?, calcite, dolomite, strontianite, humite group (norbergite, chondrodite), amphibole (fluoro-pargasite, tremolite), mica (biotite [Ba-rich phlogopite]), serpentine? | high grade magnesian marble | fluorine |
FKM-9 | Bellerberg volcano, Ettringen, Eifel Volcanic Fields, Germany | calcite, garnet (Fe-Ti-rich grossular), gehlenite (listed on dealer label but not observed) | high T metamorphosed calcareous ejecta | |
FKM-10 | Crestmore quarry, Riverside Co., CA, USA | monticellite, calcite, possibly hydroxylellestadite (apatite group) | high grade metasomatized marble (“skarn”) | |
FKM-11 | Qeqertarsuatsiaat (Fiskenæsset), Greenland | sapphirine, amphibole (pargasite, “sodic-gedrite” or alternatively composition on the {gedrite}-{“rootname 1”} join), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), chlorite (clinochlore) | UHT granulite metasomatized metapelite? | chromium |
FKM-12 | Nine Mile mine, Broken Hill, NSW, Australia | ilmenite, spinel group (gahnite), quartz, “sheet silicate” | high grade Zn-rich siliceous meta-exhalite? | zinc |
FKM-13 | Merelani, Tanzania | graphite, “Fe-oxide”, “Mn-oxide”, fluorite, calcite, garnet (grossular), zoisite, pyroxene (diopside), “Ca-stilpnomelane”, quartz | granulite facies organic-rich calc-silicate | vanadium |
FKM-14 | Langesundfjord, Norway | “Nb-oxide?”, apatite (fluorapatite, “calciobritholite-(Ce)”), astrophyllite group (astrophyllite/niobophyllite), pyroxene (aegirine), feldspar (K-spar [microcline], plagioclase [albite]), zeolite (Ca-rich natrolite?) | alkali feldspar syenite | niobium, REE |
FKM-15 | Laytonville quarry, Mendocino Co, CA, USA | garnet (spessartine), stilpnomelane, zussmanite (listed on dealer label but not observed), quartz | blueschist facies Fe-Mn metaquartzite | manganese, iron |
FKM-16 | Tsitondroina, Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) | chrysoberyl, amphibole (taramite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually F-rich pargasite]), feldspar (plagioclase [anorthite]) | amphibole-anorthite vein (“amphibolite”-like) | beryllium |
FKM-17 | Sengischorr Mt., Lovozero massif, Kola peninsula, Russia | lamprophyllite, aegirine, titanite, microcline, eudialyte | nepheline syenite | barium, zirconium, chlorine, REE |
FKM-18 | Pargas, Finland | fluorite, calcite, amphibole (pargasite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually pyroxene (diopside)]), scapolite (meionite) | high grade marble | fluorine |
FKM-19 | Gjerdingen, Norway | kupletskite, elpidite, alkali feldspar (perthite), aegirine, riebeckite | “ekerite” (soda granite) | zirconium, titanium, niobium, fluorine, manganese |
FKM-19b | Gjerdingen, Norway | kupletskite, elpidite, alkali feldspar (perthite), aegirine, riebeckite | “ekerite” (soda granite) | zirconium, titanium, niobium, fluorine, manganese |
FKM-20 | Sussex Co., NJ, USA | zincite, spinel group (franklinite), calcite, willemite, olivine (tephroite), hodgkinsonite, gageite | high grade Zn-bearing marble | zinc, manganese |
FKM-21 | Greenwood mine, Orange Co., NY, USA | ilmenite, spinel group (magnetite), monazite-(Ce), apatite (fluorapatite), pyroxene (diopside/augite), amphibole (fluoro-potassichastingsite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually potassic-magnesio-hastingsite]), feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase, perthite orthoclase host], plagioclase [“andesine”, perthite “oligoclase” lamellae]), quartz | Fe mine silicate alteration assemblage | fluorine, chlorine, potassium |
FKM-22 | Cascade Canyon, San Gabriel Mtns., San Bernardino Co., CA, USA | corundum | desilicified granite? | |
FKM-23 | Anantagiri, Andhra Pradesh, India | rutile, ilmenite, spinel group (spinel, hercynite), monazite-(Ce), garnet (almandine/pyrope), sillimanite, cordierite, pyroxene (“hypersthene”), sapphirine, mica (biotite [phlogopite]), quartz, feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase], plagioclase [“andesine”]) | UHT granulite metapelite | zinc, chromium |
FKM-24 | Fotadrevo area, Tuléar province, Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) | corundum (in hand sample but not in thin section), amphibole (tschermakite), chlorite (clinochlore), feldspar (plagioclase [anorthite]) | granulite meta-amphibolite | chromium |
FKM-25 | Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan, Afghanistan | pyrite, calcite, dolomite, apatite (carbonate-hydroxylapatite), olivine (forsterite), zircon, pyroxene (diopside), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), nepheline, sodalite group (lazurite) | meta-evaporite with likely autologous metasomatism | sulfur, chlorine |
FKM-26 | Merelani, Tanzania | graphite, sulvanite, calcite, garnet (“V-rich fluor-hydrogrossular”?), V-rich titanite, epidote group (mukhinite), pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (V-rich tremolite/V-rich magnesio-hornblende), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), chlorite (V-rich clinochlore) | granulite facies organic-rich calc-silicate | vanadium |
FKM-27 | Kipawa complex, Villedieu township, Québec, Canada | fluorite, aluminocerite-(Ce), eudialyte group (eudialyte), pyroxene (aegirine-augite), amphibole (composition on the {K-bearing fluoro-magnesio-arfvedsonite}-{K-bearing fluoro-richterite} join), feldspar (K-spar [microcline], plagioclase [albite]) | eudialyte syenite (metamorphosed) | REE, fluorine, zirconium, potassium |
FKM-28 | Betroka, Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) | monazite-(Ce), apatite (fluorapatite), zircon, cordierite, pyroxene (enstatite), sapphirine, mica (biotite [phlogopite]), clay (“Al-dominant saponite”?), feldspar (K-spar [perthite orthoclase/sanidine? host], plagioclase [perthite “oligoclase” lamellae]) | UHT granulite argillaceous marble (sakenite) | |
FKM-29 | Mt. Yukspor, Khibiny massif, Kola peninsula, Russia | eudialyte, aegirine, titanite, microcline | eudialyte syenite | REE, zirconium, titanium |
FKM-30 | Woods mine, Tamworth, NSW, Australia | iwateite, braunite, rhodonite group (vittinkiite), serandite, natronambulite?, amphibole (kôzulite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually mangano-mangani-ungarettiite/”potassic-mangano-mangani-ungarettiite”]), quartz | meta manganiferous sediment | manganese, lithium |
FKM-31 | Mysore district, Karnataka, India | corundum, fuchsite, tschermakite | high grade meta-argillite | chromium |
FKM-32a | Karelia, Russia | pyrite, rutile, ilmenite, apatite (fluorapatite), garnet (almandine), kyanite, Cr-rich staurolite, mica (muscovite, biotite [phlogopite]), feldspar (plagioclase [“oligoclase”]), quartz | metapelite | chromium |
FKM-32b | Karelia, Russia | fuchsite, pyrite, garnet, kyanite, biotite, quartz | metapelite | chromium |
FKM-33 | Jayville mine, St. Lawrence Co., NY, USA | spinel group (magnetite), calcite, amphibole (K-F-Cl-rich hastingsite), serpentine (greenalite?), mica (biotite [Mg-F-rich annite/Mg-OH-rich fluorannite]), quartz | Fe mine silicate alteration assemblage | potassium, fluorine, chlorine, iron |
FKM-34 | Nordfjord, Norway | chalcopyrite, cobaltpentlandite, rutile, apatite (fluorapatite/hydroxylapatite), zircon, garnet (Ca-Mg-rich almandine/Fe-Ca-rich pyrope), kyanite, zoisite, pyroxene (omphacite), amphibole (magnesio-hornblende, barroisite/taramite), mica (paragonite) | mafic eclogite | |
FKM-35 | Bancroft, Ontario, Canada (?) | plagioclase, aegirine, sodalite, nepheline, zircon | Na-metasomatite (fenite) | chlorine, iron |
FKM-36 | Franklin marble, NY or NJ, USA | spinel group (spinel), calcite, dolomite, humite group (chondrodite) | high grade marble | fluorine |
FKM-37 | Franklin marble, NY or NJ, USA | graphite, calcite, spinel, fluoborite, sinhalite, warwickite | high grade marble | boron, fluorine, zirconium |
FKM-38 | Cascade Slide, Essex Co., NY, USA | magnetoplumbite group oxide?, calcite, garnet (Al-rich andradite), REE-rich vesuvianite, pyroxene (diopside) | marble | REE |
FKM-39 | Chara river, Murun, Siberia, Russia | burbankite, steacyite group (steacyite/turkestanite), pyroxene (aegirine), amphibole ({potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite}/{potassic-richterite}), charoite, quartz, feldspar (K-spar [Fe-bearing microcline]) | K-metasomatite (fenite?) | strontium, barium |
FKM-39b | Chara river, Murun, Siberia, Russia | tinaksite, pyroxene (V-enriched aegirine), charoite, dalyite, quartz, feldspar (K-spar [Fe-bearing microcline]) | K-metasomatite (fenite?) | strontium, barium |
FKM-40 | Antanimora commune, Tular province, Malagasy Republic (Madagascar; stated as from “Majunga”) | spinel group (spinel), calcite, apatite (fluorapatite/chlorapatite), olivine (forsterite), 1:1 chlorite-smectite interstratification (“Ca-dominant Li-bearing tosudite”), quartz | high grade marble | chlorine |
FKM-41 | Oka, Québec, Canada | spinel group (magnetite), pyrochlore group (F-bearing hydroxycalciopyrochlore?), calcite, barite, apatite (fluorapatite), pyroxene (diopside), mica (biotite [phlogopite]) | carbonatite | niobium, phosphorus |
FKM-42 | Martiniana Po, Dora Maira, Italy | rutile, monazite-(Ce), zircon, garnet (pyrope), kyanite, talc, mica (“phengite” [along {muscovite}-{aluminoceladonite} join]), quartz, coesite? | eclogite facies whiteschist | magnesium, aluminium |
FKM-43 | Broken Hill, NSW, Australia | chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), olivine (tephroite) | high grade Mn-rich marble | manganese |
FKM-44 | Imilchil, Morocco | Mg-bearing ilmenite, titanite, epidote group (epidote), pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (actinolite/ferro-actinolite/”Na-Ti-Fe3+-rich oxo/calcic amphibole ss” [roughly along {ferri-kaersutite}-{edenite} join]), chlorite (clinochlore), quartz | Ca-(Na)-metasomatite | titanium, iron |
FKM-45 | Sterling Hill, Sussex Co., NJ, USA | galena, Cd-rich sphalerite, pyrophanite, spinel group (gahnite, Mn-rich franklinite), Mn-rich calcite, willemite, pyroxene (“jeffersonite” [Mn-Zn-rich diopside/Mn-Zn-rich augite]), rhodonite group (“fowlerite” or “zincorhodonite”), amphibole (Mn-Zn-rich hastingsite, Mn-Zn-rich tremolite), mica (biotite [hendricksite (not observed; actually Mn-Zn-rich phlogopite)]) | high grade Zn-bearing marble | zinc, manganese |
FKM-46 | Moose River occurrence, Lyonsdale, Lewis Co., NY, USA | prismatine, cordierite, quartz | UHT granulite metapelite | boron |
FKM-47 | Sussex Co., NJ, USA | willemite, franklinite | high grade Zn-bearing marble | zinc, manganese |
FKM-48 | Sussex Co., NJ, USA | calcite, rhodochrosite, spinel group (gahnite, Mn-rich franklinite), willemite, olivine (historically Mg-Zn-rich tephroite, but may instead be an ordered “MnMg-olivine”) | high grade Zn-bearing marble | zinc, manganese |
FKM-49 | San Carlos complex, Tamaulipas, Mexico | spinel group (magnetite), apatite (fluorapatite), pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (K-bearing ferri-kaersutite/K+Ti-bearing magnesio-hastingsite/K+Ti-bearing hastingsite), mica (biotite [“biotite”]), nepheline, titanite, feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase], plagioclase [“oligoclase”/ “andesine”/”labradorite”]) | nepheline monzosyenite | titanium |
FKM-50 | Lovozero massif, Kola peninsula, Russia | murmanite, aegirine, plagioclase, orthoclase | nepheline syenite | niobium |
FKM-51 | Lovozero massif, Kola peninsula, Russia | lorenzenite, aegirine, plagioclase, orthoclase | nepheline syenite | titanium, niobium |
FKM-52 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | reedmergnerite, quartz | alkali granite | boron, REE, cesium, zirconium |
FKM-53 | Tres Pozos, Baja California Norte, Mexico | gillespite, sanbornite, celsian, alforsite, bazirite, cerchiaraite, witherite | Ba-Ti-B-metasomatite | barium |
FKM-53b | Tres Pozos, Baja California Norte, Mexico | gillespite, sanbornite, celsian | Ba-Ti-B-metasomatite | barium |
FKM-54 | (Sterling Hill?) Franklin district, Sussex Co., NJ, USA | galena, hematite, spinel group (franklinite), calcite, garnet (Mn-rich andradite), pyroxene (“jeffersonite” [Mn-Zn-rich diopside]), rhodonite group (“fowlerite” or “zincorhodonite”), amphibole (Mn-Zn-rich actinolite), mica (biotite [Mn-Zn-rich phlogopite)]) | high grade Mn-metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-55 | Oka, Québec, Canada | calcite, apatite, pyrochlore | carbonatite | niobium, phosphorus |
FKM-56 | Oka, Québec, Canada | melilite, haüyne | haüyne melilitolite (“okaite”) | sulfur, titanium |
FKM-57 | Oka, Québec, Canada | niocalite, calcite | carbonatite | niobium |
FKM-58 | Meldon mine, Okehampton, Devon, UK | malayaite, diopside, quartz, andradite | skarn | tin |
FKM-59 | Waldheim, Saxony, Germany | prismatine, quartz, dravite, cordierite, garnet | granulite | boron |
FKM-60 | Umbozero mine, Lovozero massif, Kola peninsula, Russia | sérandite, ussingite, aegirine | nepheline syenite | manganese |
FKM-61 | Canta, Lima, Peru | dumortierite, foitite | meta-argillite | boron |
FKM-62 | Khibiny massif, Kola peninsula, Russia | aegirine, eudialyte ,apatite, potassic-arfvedsonite | nepheline syenite | zirconium |
FKM-63 | Mahenge, Morogoro, Tanzania | spinel group (spinel [in hand sample but not in thin section]), calcite, amphibole (F-rich pargasite), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), chlorite (clinochlore) | high grade marble | |
FKM-64 | Kipawa complex, Villedieu township, Québec, Canada | miserite, eudialyte | eudialyte syenite (metamorphosed) | REE, zirconium |
FKM-65 | Kipawa complex, Villedieu township, Québec, Canada | mosandrite, plagioclase, eudialyte, arfvedsonite | eudialyte syenite (metamorphosed) | zirconium |
FKM-66 | Cerro Sapo, Bolivia | Fe-rich dolomite/Mg-rich ankerite, strontianite, burbankite, dawsonite, ancylite-(Ce), alunite supergroup (goyazite), feldspar (k-spar [orthoclase]), sodalite group (sodalite), zeolite (“Sr-edingtonite?”, analcime) | ankerite carbonatite | chlorine, strontium, barium, REE |
FKM-67 | Plenty River mine area, Harts Range, NT, Australia | kornerupine, biotite, feldspar, quartz, tourmaline | granulite | |
FKM-68 | Longido, Tanzania | spinel group (spinel), corundum, diaspore, zoisite, pumpellyite-(Al), amphibole (Cr-rich pargasite), chlorite (clinochlore) | high pressure “amphibolite” (meta-gabbroid) | chromium |
FKM-69 | Mautia Hill, Tanzania | rutile, hematite, kyanite, yoderite, talc, quartz | eclogite facies whiteschist | |
FKM-69b | Mautia Hill, Tanzania | rutile, hematite, kyanite, yoderite, talc, quartz | eclogite facies whiteschist | |
FKM-70 | Tsukigaya mine, Fukushima, Japan | dumortierite, foitite, quartz | meta-argillite | boron |
FKM-71 | Alto Chapare, Bolivia | hematite, hydromagnesite, tourmaline (oxy-dravite, povondraite/alumino-povondraite/”K-povondraite”), talc, feldspar (K-spar [presumably microcline or adularia]) | K-B-Fe-metasomatite | potassium, boron |
FKM-72 | Klause, Bad Gleichenberg, Styria, Austria | kolbeckite (in hand sample but not in thin section) | altered latite | scandium |
FKM-73 | Stokkøya, Langesundfjord, Norway | hiortdahlite, plagioclase | nepheline syenite | zirconium |
FKM-74 | Palabora, South Africa | calcite, aegirine, apatite, k-spar | carbonatite-associated K-fenite? | |
FKM-75 | ~120 km E of Lusaka, Zambia | cobaltpentlandite, thiospinel (linnaeite), rutile, hematite, ilmenite, spinel group (magnetite), “cobalto-högbomite-2N2S“, sillimanite, kyanite, Co-rich staurolite, mica (margarite), chlorite (clinochlore), quartz | amphibolite grade siliceous “emery” | cobalt |
FKM-76 | Broken Hill, NSW, Australia | inesite, calcite, quartz | high grade Mn-metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-77 | Ilímaussaq intrusion, Greenland | hydroxylbastnäsite-(Ce), eudialyte group (eudialyte), catapleiite, pyroxene (aegirine), pectolite, feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase], plagioclase [albite]), nepheline, zeolite (K-rich gmelinite?, K-rich chabazite?, analcime?) | kakortakite | sodium, zirconium |
FKM-78 | Bozeman corundum mine, Gallatin Co., MT, USA | corundum, feldspar, biotite | syenitic? gneiss | |
FKM-79 | Black Rock, Leucite Hills, Sweetwater Co., WY, USA | fluoro-potassicrichterite (listed on dealer label but not observed; actually diopside), phlogopite, olivine | lamproite (orendite) | fluorine, potassium |
FKM-80 | In den Dellen quarry, Laacher See volcano, Eifel, Germany | spinel group (magnetite), apatite (fluorapatite), pyroxene (diopside), feldspar (K-spar [sanidine]), haüyne | haüyne phonolite | sulfur |
FKM-81 | Wipper Valley, Biesenrode, Harz Mountains, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany | apatite (fluorapatite), carpholite/magnesiocarpholite, chlorite (sudoite) | high P-low T metamafic? | manganese |
FKM-82 | Itremo commune, Fianarantsoa province, Malagasy Republic, (Madagascar) | dumortierite, sillimanite, quartz, k-spar | pegmatite? | boron |
FKM-83 | Långban, Sweden | magnesioferrite | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomite | lead, barium, manganese |
FKM-84 | ~3 km SW of Kansi, Hpakant-Tawmaw jade tract, Kachin state, Burma | jadeite, kosmochlor, eckermannite, glaucophane, natrolite, edingtonite | blueschist jadeitite | chromium |
FKM-85 | Přibyslavice, Bohemia, Czech Republic | apatite (fluorapatite), tourmaline (oxy-schorl), mica (muscovite), feldspar (K-spar [perthite orthoclase host], plagioclase [perthite albite lamellae]), quartz | granite | boron, lithium |
FKM-86 | Långban, Sweden | melanotekite, phlogopite, celsian | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomite | lead, barium, manganese, arsenic |
FKM-87 | Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, USA | esperite | high grade Zn-bearing marble | zinc, manganese, lead |
FKM-88 | (Parker shaft?), Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, USA | spinel group (franklinite), barite, garnet (Mn-rich andradite/Mn-rich grossular), epidote group (epidote/Pb-rich epidote-(Sr)/Sr-rich hancockite), mica (biotite [Mn-rich hendricksite]) | Pb-bearing skarn | lead, strontium, manganese |
FKM-89 | Bastnäs, Sweden | calcite, OH-rich bastnäsite-(La), cerite-(Ce), epidote group (ferriallanite-(Ce)/ferriallanite-(La)), gatelite supergroup (“ferrigatelite-(Ce)”), amphibole (actinolite), talc | REE metasomatite | REE |
FKM-90 | Point of Rock quarry, Colfax Co., NM, USA | mangan-neptunite, sanidine, nepheline, aegirine | phonolite | manganese, lithium |
FKM-91 | Västanåberget, Sweden | monazite-(La)/monazite-(Ce), Mn-rich andalusite, mica (muscovite), chlorite (clinochlore) | schist | manganese |
FKM-92 | Tetětice (Struhadlo area), near Klatovy, Bohemia, Czech Republic | goldmanite, pyrrhotite, calcite, tremolite, mukhinite | metamorphosed U-V rollfront | vanadium |
FKM-93 | Pallavaram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India | ferro-ferri-tschermakite (listed on dealer label but not observed; instead opx and cpx), anorthite | aluminous amphibolite (“ferrosilite diorite”) | |
FKM-94 | Broken Hill, NSW, Australia | spessartine, galena, sphalerite, pyroxmangite, clino-ferro-suenoite | high grade Mn-metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-95 | Isua, Greenland | spinel group (magnetite), calcite, apatite (hydroxylapatite), amphibole (actinolite), quartz | banded iron formation | iron |
FKM-96 | Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada | pentlandite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, ilmenite, spinel group (magnetite, hercynite), apatite (fluorapatite), olivine (Mg-rich fayalite), garnet (almandine), pyroxene (“hypersthene”, diopside/augite), amphibole (Ti-rich magnesio-hastingsite), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), chlorite (clinochlore), feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase], plagioclase [“oligoclase”]) | coronitic metagabbro | |
FKM-97 | Bohemia, Czech Republic | apatite (fluorapatite), garnet (grossular/andradite), epidote group (epidote), pyroxene (hedenbergite) | garnet clinopyroxenite | iron |
FKM-98 | Kola Peninsula, Russia | eudialyte, nepheline | eudialyte syenite | zirconium |
FKM-99 | northern New Caledonia | glaucophane | retrograded blueschist | |
FKM-100 | Mayavetch River, Poubo terrane, northern New Caledonia | glaucophane, fuchsite | blueschist | |
FKM-101 | Chester, Windsor Co., VT USA | chlorite, talc, pyrite, apatite | greenschist metabasite | |
FKM-102 | near Custer, Custer Co./Pennington Co., SD, USA | monazite-(Ce), apatite (fluorapatite), tourmaline (oxy-dravite/dravite), mica (muscovite, biotite [annite]), quartz (very minor!), feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase, microcline], plagioclase [albite]) | B-bearing metapelite | boron |
FKM-103 | Kimberley, South Africa | garnet, forsterite | kimberlite | |
FKM-104 | Harding pegmatite, Taos Co., NM, USA | fluorcalciomicrolite, mica (lepidolite [not observed; actually Li-rich muscovite]), pucherite (or polymorph), feldspar (K-spar [microcline]) | Li-Ta pegmatite | lithium, tantalum, bismuth |
FKM-105 | K-2 area, Gilgit-Baltistan region, Pakistan | microcline, quartz, azurite, biotite, muscovite, epidote, chlorite, titanite, albite | granitic gneiss with blue spots | copper |
FKM-106 | Damtjern Lake, Fen complex, Norway | clinopyroxene, pargasite, ilmenite, phlogopite, ülvospinel-magnetite, calcite | damkjernite dike (alnoitic lamprophyre) | titanium |
FKM-107 | “Mobetsu”(?), Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) | grandidierite, phlogopite | B-bearing metamorphic | boron |
FKM-108 | Vihobola, Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) | grandidierite, phlogopite, diopside | B-bearing diopside pyroxenite | boron |
FKM-109 | unknown locality, but presumed to be from the Franciscan assemblage of California | rutile, zircon, garnet (almandine), titanite, lawsonite, epidote group (epidote), amphibole (glaucophane/magnesio-riebeckite), mica (muscovite/aluminoceladonite), chlorite (clinochlore) | mafic blueschist | |
FKM-110 | unknown locality, but presumed to be from Crestmore | garnet, vesuvianite, wollastonite | skarn | |
FKM-111 | unknown locality | lawsonite, garnet | blueschist | |
FKM-112 | unknown locality, but presumed to be from the Franklin marble of NJ or NY | spinel group (spinel), ilmenite, calcite, dolomite, apatite (fluorapatite), olivine (forsterite), humite group (hydroxylclinohumite/clinohumite), amphibole (pargasite), mica (biotite [phlogopite]) | spinel phlogopite marble | fluorine |
FKM-113 | Training School flow, University of Hawaii campus, Honolulu, Oahu Island, Honolulu Co., HI, USA | nepheline, olivine | olivine nephelinite | |
FKM-114 | Moiliile quarry, Honolulu, Oahu Island, Honolulu Co., HI, USA | nepheline, melilite, olivine, pyroxene | olivine melilitite | |
FKM-115 | Windham, Windham Co., VT, USA | Ti-rich hematite, Fe-rich dolomite, chlorite (clinochlore) | ankerite chlorite schist | |
FKM-116 | Hague, Warren Co., NY, USA | almandine, sillimanite, cordierite, K-feldspar | granulite metapelite | |
FKM-118 | Mountain Pass, San Bernardino Co., CA, USA | calcite, barite, bastnasite | carbonatite | barium, REE |
FKM-119 | Brumado, Bahia, Brazil | tourmaline (uvite), talc | Mg-metasomatite | boron, magnesium |
FKM-120 | Yasman valley, Tien Shan mountains, Tajikistan | nepheline, cancrinite, biotite | nepheline syenite | |
FKM-121 | American #1 talc mine, Balmat-Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., NY, USA | galena, sphalerite, calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), zircon, amphibole (tremolite), talc, mica (biotite [“interlayer-deficiency phlogopite”]), | granulite facies metasomatic metacarbonate | |
FKM-122 | ZCA #4 mine, Balmat-Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., NY, USA | apatite (turneaureite [not observed; actually As-rich chlorapatite]), tourmaline (uvite), pyroxene (donpeacorite), amphibole (“manganocummingtonite”) | granulite facies metasomatic metacarbonate | manganese |
FKM-123 | Gouverneur mine, Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., NY, USA | calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), braunite, amphibole (tremolite), talc | granulite facies metasomatic metacarbonate | manganese |
FKM-124a | Hpakant-Tawmaw jade tract, Kachin state, Burma | jadeite | blueschist metasomatite | |
FKM-124b | Hpakant-Tawmaw jade tract, Kachin state, Burma | pyroxene (jadeite), amphibole (potassic-richterite/richterite/eckermannite), mica (biotite [“interlayer-deficient phlogopite”]), vermiculite, mixed layer serpentine/chlorite? (~A0.5(Mg3.5Al1.5□)[Si4O10](OH)8), zeolite (harmotome) | blueschist metasomatite | |
FKM-126 | Willsboro, Essex Co., NY, USA | calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), garnet (grossular/andradite), pyroxene (diopside), wollastonite, quartz | pyroxene hornfels facies calc-silicate | |
FKM-127 | Hiassu farm, Itaju do Colnia, Bahia, Brazil | sodalite, cancrinite | sodalite syenite | chlorine |
FKM-128 | Mt. Ruoutevare, 13 km N. of Kvikkjokk, Lappland, Sweden | magnesio-högbomite (listed on dealer label but not observed), magnetite, ilmenite, amphibole | high grade Fe-Ti oxide | titanium |
FKM-129 | Braintree complex, Orange Co., VT, USA | pyrrhotite, pyrite/Co-bearing pyrite, ilmenite, celestite, apatite (fluorapatite), zircon, titanite, epidote group (allanite-(Ce)/REE-rich epidote, epidote/Sc-bearing epidote/clinozoisite), amphibole (magnesio-ferri-hornblende/ferro-ferri-tschermakite), mica (biotite [annite]), chlorite (chamosite), feldspar (plagioclase [albite]) | metasomatized quartz ferro-diorite | iron, titanium |
FKM-130 | eudialyte prospect (Windy Fork granite pluton?), McGrath district, Alaska Range, Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, AK USA | eudialyte, arfvedsonite, feldspar | nepheline syenite | zirconium, REE |
FKM-131 | Mary Kathleen, QLD, Australia | pyrite, apatite (fluorapatite), garnet (grossular/andradite), stillwellite-(Ce), epidote group (REE-rich epidote/allanite-(Ce)), pyroxene (diopside) | REE metasomatite | boron, REE |
FKM-132 | Armstrong farm, Johnsburg township, Warren Co., NY, USA | serendibite, phlogopite | B-bearing skarn | boron |
FKM-133 | Zillertal, Austria | ilmenite, rutile, Fe-rich magnesite, apatite (F-rich hydroxylapatite), monazite, talc, “mixed layer ~2[talc]-~1[“Al-bearing serpentine”]?” | low grade metabasite | |
FKM-134 | unknown locality, but presumed to be from NY | serendibite, phlogopite | B-bearing metamorphic | boron |
FKM-135 | unknown locality, but presumed to be from Malagasy Republic (Madagascar; possibly Andrahomana?) | grandidierite | B-bearing metamorphic | boron |
FKM-136 | San Vito quarry, Monte Somma, Vesuvius, Italy | meionite | altered calcareous ejecta | |
FKM-137 | unknown locality, but presumed to be from the Stillwater complex, MT | bronzite | orthopyroxenite | |
FKM-138 | Spurr mine, Imperial Heights, Baraga Co., MI, USA | ilmenite, HREE-rich xenotime, apatite (fluorapatite), chloritoid, mica (muscovite/Fe-rich muscovite), chlorite (chamosite), quartz | low grade Fe-rich metamorphic | |
FKM-139 | El Paso Co., CO, USA | riebeckite, quartz, perthite | alkali granite | sodium |
FKM-140 | Fuka mine, Takahashi City, Okayama prefecture, Japan | tilleyite, calcite, perovskite, andradite | sanidinite facies metacarbonate | boron |
FKM-141 | Laytonville quarry, Mendocino Co, CA, USA | howeite, riebeckite | blueschist facies metasediment | iron |
FKM-142 | Galgenberg, near Leoben, Steirmark, Austria | chloritoid | biotite facies metapelite | |
FKM-143 | Iron Cap mine, Graham Co., AZ, USA | johansennite | skarn | manganese |
FKM-144 | Hålsjöberg, Sweden | wyllieite, scorzalite | advanced argillic assemblage | phosphorus |
FKM-145 | Norra Kärr, Småland, Sweden | catapleiite, eudialyte | nepheline syenite | zirconium, lithium |
FKM-146 | Norra Kärr, Småland, Sweden | rosenbuschite | nepheline syenite | zirconium, lithium |
FKM-147 | Laytonville quarry, Mendocino Co, CA, USA | apatite (fluorapatite), epidote group (ferriallanite-(La)/allanite-(Nd)), deerite, zussmanite, “K-deficient stilpnomelane”, quartz | blueschist facies metasediment | |
FKM-148 | near Gascoyne Junction (Brockman Creek?), WA, Australia | spinel group (chromite/magnetite), apatite (fluorapatite), olivine (forsterite), pyroxene (diopside), chlorite (clinochlore), nepheline | labeled kimberlite (really olivine nephelinite) | chromium |
FKM-149 | Saranovskoe mine, Ural Mountains, Russia | calcite, spinel group (chromite/magnesiochromite), garnet (uvarovite), chlorite (Cr-rich clinochlore) | metamorphosed altered chromatite | chromium |
FKM-151 | Øvstebø, Kleppan, Sauland, Hjartdal, Telemark, Norway | vesuvianite (cuprian), zoisite (manganian), quartz | calc-silicate | copper, manganese |
FKM-152 | Durham Ranch, near Wright, Campbell Co., WY, USA | ferroindialite (listed on dealer label but not observed; actually no recognizable minerals present… all glass) | sanidinite facies paralava (sedimentary rock partially fused by an adjacent burning coal seam) | |
FKM-153 | Ovrevatnet, Nusfjord, Flakstadøya, Lofoten, Nordland, Norway | potassic-chloro-ferro-sadanagaite (listed on dealer label but not observed; actually augite), plagioclase | possibly alkali chloride metasomatite of gabbro | chlorine, iron |
FKM-154 | New Amianthus mine, Kaapsche Hoop, Barberton, Mpumalanga province, RSA | stichtite-2H, chrysotile, chromite | asbestos deposit | chromium |
FKM-155 | Sar-e-Sang, Badakhshan, Afghanistan | gypsum, celestite, monazite-(Ce), apatite (fluorapatite), epidote group (allanite-(Ce)), feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase], plagioclase [albite]), scapolite (marialite) | meta-evaporite | chlorine, sulfur |
FKM-156 | Malyshevo mine, Ural Mountains, Russia | chrysoberyl, mica (biotite [phlogopite]), chlorite (clinochlore) | schist intruded by pegmatites (“blackwall”) | beryllium |
FKM-157 | Lovozero massif, Kola peninsula, Russia | mangan-neptunite | nepheline syenite | manganese, lithium |
FKM-158 | Khit Ostrov, northern Karelia, Russia | corundum, ilmenite, rutile, garnet (almandine), epidote group (allanite-(Ce)), amphibole (tschermakite), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), chlorite (clinochlore), feldspar (plagioclase [“oligoclase”]) | syenitic gneiss | chromium |
FKM-159 | Orford Nickel mine, St. Denis de Brompton, Québec, Canada | grossular, diopside | calc-silicate near contact with serpentinized peridotite | nickel |
FKM-160 | Mt. St. Hilaire, Québec, Canada | hackmannite, aegirine, nepheline | sodalite syenite | chlorine |
FKM-161 | Picuris district, Taos Co., NM, USA | actinolite, epidote, garnet | amphibolite | |
FKM-162 | Kilbourne Hole, Doña Ana Co., NM, USA | spinel group (spinel), olivine (forsterite), pyroxene (enstatite, diopside) | mantle peridotite (lherzolite) nodule in basalt | chromium |
FKM-163 | Graves Mountain, Lincoln Co., GA, USA | lazulite, quartz | advanced argillic assemblage | phosphorus |
FKM-164 | Altay pegmatite, Fuyun Co., Xianjiang Autonomous region, China | holmquistite | metasomatic margin of Li pegmatite | lithium |
FKM-165 | Yates mine, Otter Lake, Québec, Canada | calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), zircon, titanite, epidote group (allanite-(Ce), epidote), pyroxene (diopside), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), scapolite (“wernerite”) | skarn or possibly carbonatitic migmatite | REE, titanium |
FKM-166 | Serra de Jacobina, Bahia, Brazil | spinel group (chromite), tourmaline (Cr-rich oxy-dravite), mica (Cr-rich muscovite) | alteration? associated with Au mineralization | chromium, boron |
FKM-167 | Graves Mountain, Lincoln Co., GA, USA | rutile, “Al-oxyhydroxide” (diaspore?, böhmite?), “Fe-oxyhydroxide” (goethite?, lepidocrocite?), alunite supergroup (Ca-rich svanbergite/Sr-rich woodhouseite/Ca-rich schlossmacherite?), zircon, kyanite, pyrophyllite, quartz | advanced argillic assemblage | aluminum, strontium, phosphorus, sulfur |
FKM-168 | Picuris range, Glenwoody district, Taos Co., NM, USA | zoisite (manganian), vesuvianite, grossular, quartz, apatite (arsenian) | calc-silicate | manganese, arsenic |
FKM-170 | Wagholi, India | calcite, cavansite, stilbite | low temperature cavity filling in basalt (zeolite facies) | vanadium |
FKM-171 | Prabornaz mine, St. Marcel, Italy | cerianite-(Ce), hollandite group (Sr-rich hollandite/Sr-rich cryptomelane), barite, V-bearing “gasparite-(La)”, zircon, braunite, macfallite, epidote group (piemontite/REE-rich tweddillite), pyroxene (jadeite, aegirine), mica (reported as “alurgite”: Mn-rich aluminoceladonite, biotite [Mn-rich phlogopite]), feldspar (K-spar [variably Ba-rich orthoclase?], Ba-feldspar [“hyalophane”], plagioclase [albite]) | meta manganiferous sediment | manganese, REE, barium, strontium |
FKM-172 | El Hoyazo, Spain | biotite, garnet, sillimanite | lower crustal felsic xenolith | |
FKM-173 | N’Chwaning III mine, Kuruman, Northern Cape, South Africa | hennomartinite, strontioruizite, cherchiaraite-(Mn), aluminosugilite/sugilite, pyroxene (aegirine), pectolite, amphibole (potassic-richterite/”potassic-magnesio-mangani-afvedsonite”), quartz | hydrothermal Mn metasediment | manganese, lithium |
FKM-174 | Načetín, Poběžovice, Plzeň region, Bohemia, Czech Republic | ilmenite, spinel group (magnetite), olivine (Mg-rich fayalite), amphibole (ferri-tschermakite, tremolite), serpentine (greenalite), chlorite (clinochlore) | meta ferro-dunite? | iron |
FKM-175 | Norra Kärr, Småland, Sweden | eckermannite (listed on dealer label but not observed; actually fluoro-leakeite), pectolite | nepheline syenite | lithium |
FKM-176 | feldspar quarry, Vysoký Kámen, Krásno, Horní Slavkov, Czech Republic | koechlinite, powellite | albitized aplite | bismuth, molybdenum, uranium |
FKM-177 | Bordvedaven, Høgtuva, Norway | høgtuvaite | peraluminous granitic gneiss | beryllium |
FKM-178 | Bjurliden, Norsjö, Västerbotten, Sweden | gahnite, sulfides | Besshi-type meta hydrothermal exhalite | zinc |
FKM-179 | Crestmore quarry, Riverside Co., CA, USA | calcite, apatite (hydroxylapatite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually P-S-bearing hydroxylellestadite)]), olivine (monticellite), garnet (grossular/andradite) | high grade marble | phosphorus, sulfur |
FKM-180 | Ilímaussaq intrusion, Greenland | narsarsukite | agpaitic intrusion | titanium |
FKM-181 | Ilímaussaq intrusion, Greenland | naujakasite | agpaitic intrusion | |
FKM-182 | Stolberg by Ludvika, Dalarna, Sweden | pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, hematite, rhodochrosite/calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), olivine (historically Fe-rich tephroite, but may instead be an ordered “MnFe-olivine”), serpentine? (Mg-Fe-rich caryopilite?/”Mn-Fe-rich Mg-caryopilite”?) | Mn metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-183 | Fuka mine, Takahashi City, Okayama prefecture, Japan | hillebrandtite, spurrite | sanidinite facies metacarbonate | |
FKM-184 | Edenville, near Warwick, Orange Co., NY, USA | ilmenite, spinel group (spinel), U- and REE-bearing zirconolite, calcite, dolomite, warwickite, olivine (forsterite), humite group (clinohumite), talc, chlorite (clinochlore) | high grade marble | boron, titanium, zirconium, fluorine |
FKM-185 | Falotta, Tinzen, Switzerland | hematite, apatite (fluorapatite), monazite-(Ce), alunite supergroup (arsenoflorencite-(Ce)), titanite, axinite (tinzenite/manganaxinite), quartz | Mn metasomatite | manganese, boron, REE, arsenic |
FKM-186 | Malšov by Kuntá Hora, Czech Republic | pentlandite, nickeline, cobaltite, gersdorffite, spinel group (chromite), calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), amphibole (anthophyllite, magnesio-hornblende), talc, mica (biotite [phlogopite]) | metamorphosed ultramafic? | magnesium, nickel, cobalt, chromium, arsenic |
FKM-187 | Dehesa, San Diego Co., CA, USA | dumortierite, pyrophyllite | advanced argillic assemblage | boron |
FKM-188 | Norberg, Västmanland, Sweden | fluorite, spinel group (magnetite), calcite, gadolinite-(Nd), epidote group (dollaseite-(Ce)), amphibole (tremolite) | REE metasomatite | REE, magnesium, beryllium |
FKM-189 | Loch Scridain area, Isle of Mull, Scotland, UK | corundum, ilmenite, spinel group (Fe-rich spinel), pseudobrookite group (griffinite), rutile, mullite, cordierite, feldspar (K-spar [Na-rich sanidine/K-rich anorthoclase], plagioclase [“andesine”/”labradorite”]) | sanidinite facies metapelite | |
FKM-190 | Nippyo mine, Awano, Kanuma City, Tochigi Prefecture, Honshu Island, Japan | pyrrhotite, sphalerite, gersdorffite, Ni-rich cobaltite, pyrophanite, Mg-rich ilmenite, rhodochrosite, apatite (fluorapatite), hübnerite, garnet (spessartine), pyroxmangite, amphibole (proto-ferro-suenoite), pyrosmalite-(Mn), pyrosmalite-(Fe) | hydrothermal Mn metasediment | manganese |
FKM-191 | Andrakaholo, Anosy region, Tuléar province, Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) | hibonite, corundum, spinel group (spinel), baddeleyite, zirconolite, thorianite, calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), feldspar (plagioclase [anorthite]) | sanidinite facies metacarbonate | zirconium, thorium, REE |
FKM-192 | Union Carbide mine, Hot Springs area, Garland Co., AR, USA | wollastonite, aegirine | nepheline syenite | titanium, vanadium |
FKM-193 | Långban, Sweden | cymrite | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomite | lead, barium, manganese |
FKM-194 | Webing, near Abtenau, Salzburg, Austria | crossite | metasomatic(?) blueschist | |
FKM-195 | Sunnyside mine, Silverton, San Juan Co., CO, USA | pyroxmangite | hydrothermal | manganese |
FKM-196 | reportedly from Namibia | cassiterite, quartz, k-spar | Sn granite | tin |
FKM-197 | SW Tasmania, Australia | stichtite, serpentine | altered Cr-rich ultramafic | chromium |
FKM-198 | Black Mtn., Greenwood, Oxford Co., ME, USA | elbaite, lepidolite, albite, quartz | Li pegmatite | lithium |
FKM-199 | Kandesei, Kaokoveld Plateau, Kunene region, Namibia | shattuckite | hydrothermal Cu deposit | copper |
FKM-200 | Red Cloud fluorite mine, Lincoln Co., NM, USA | bastnasite-(Ce), fluorite | REE metasomatite | REE, fluorine |
FKM-201 | Schmorrasgrat-Süd, Starlera, Ferrera Valley, Grischun, Switzerland | hematite, Mn-rich calcite, garnet (calderite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually Mn-rich andradite]), pyroxene (aegirine-augite) | Mn metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-202 | Sierra de Comechingones, San Luis province, Argentina | vanadium, fluorite, hibonite, grossite, diaoyudaoite?/kahlenbergite?, spinel group (V-bearing spinel/Mg-bearing dellagiustaite), perovskite, melilite (gehlenite) | sanidinite facies (artificial?) slag?; perhaps a thermite reaction product? purported to be natural | vanadium |
FKM-203 | Sannidal, near Kragerø, Telemark, Norway | TiO2 (rutile?), monazite, xenotime, apatite (Cl-bearing hydroxylapatite), epidote group (allanite-(Ce)), amphibole (actinolite), chlorite (clinochlore), quartz | alkali chloride metasomatite | chlorine, iron, REE |
FKM-204 | unspecificied locality in the Grenville province, Ontario/Québec, Canada | scapolite (meionite), calcite | high grade marble | |
FKM-205 | Anosy region, Tuléar province, Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) | spinel group (spinel), thorianite, baddeleyite, calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), epidote group (dissakisite-(Ce)), pyroxene (Al-rich diopside), amphibole (fluoro-pargasite), serpentine/chlorite (~(Mg3Al2□)[Si4O10](OH)8), zeolite | granulite facies metacarbonate | thorium, zirconium, REE |
FKM-206 | New Idria district, San Benito Co., CA, USA | andradite (titanian), perovskite | Ti metasomatite | titanium |
FKM-207 | Eveslogchorr Mtn., Khibiny massif, Kola peninsula, Russia | ilmenite, pyrochlore group (hydroxycalciopyrochlore?/ fluorcalciopyrochlore?/ hydroxyhydropyrochlore?), titanite, eudialyte group (eudialyte/ferrokentbrooksite), pyroxene (aegirine), lorenzenite, astrophyllite group (astrophyllite), aenigmatite, feldspar (plagioclase [albite]), nepheline | nepheline syenite | titanium |
FKM-208 | Ivigtut, Greenland | sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, acanthite, cryolite, hematite, “Fe-oxyhydroxide” (goethite?, lepidocrocite?), siderite, quartz | granite pegmatite associated F metasomatite | fluorine |
FKM-209 | Faria mine, Golconda district, Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil | fluorapatite, bertrandite, albite, chlorite | granite pegmatite | beryllium |
FKM-210 | Brumado, Bahia, Brazil | Mg-bearing ilmenite, spinel group (Mg-bearing magnetite), Fe-oxy-hydroxide/goethite, magnesite, celestite, zircon, tourmaline (fluor-uvite/dravite), mica (biotite [fluor-phlogopite/phlogopite]) | Mg-metasomatite | boron, magnesium |
FKM-211 | Kipawa complex, Villedieu township, Québec, Canada | gittinsite, vlasovite, eudialyte | eudialyte syenite | zirconium |
FKM-212 | Mount Riiser-Larsen, Enderby Land, Antarctica | spinel group (magnetite), sillimanite, osumilite, “K-free osumilite” (= 1 cordierite + 6 quartz), cordierite, pyroxene (Al-rich enstatite), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), 1:1 chlorite-smectite interstratification? (“Mg-dominant tosudite”), feldspar (K-spar [microperthite orthoclase? host], plagioclase [microperthite albite lamellae, albite]), quartz | UHT metapelitic granulite | magnesium |
FKM-213 | near Erbareti, Vercelli, Piemonte, Italy | opx [reported but not observed], garnet | gneiss | |
FKM-214 | Hålsjöberg, Sweden | pyrite, rutile, hematite, anhydrite, pretulite, wagnerite, lazulite, apatite (fluorapatite), Sc-bearing zircon, kyanite, quartz | advanced argillic assemblage | phosphorus, scandium, fluorine, titanium, aluminum |
FKM-215 | Saranovskoe mine, Ural Mountains, Russia | chromian amesite, chromite | metamorphosed altered chromatite | chromium |
FKM-216 | Långban, Sweden | iwakiite [jacobsite-Q], pyrochlore group (fluorcalcioroméite), Mn-rich calcite, barite, caryinite [listed on dealer label, but not observed], apatite (Pb-rich johnbaumite), pyroxene (augite/aegirine-augite), amphibole (Mn-bearing richterite) | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomite | manganese, lead, arsenic, antimony |
FKM-217 | Tanco pegmatite, Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada | wodginite, microcline, lepidolite | Li-Ta-Cs pegmatite | manganese, tin, tantalum, lithium |
FKM-218 | (Löhley?), Üdersdorf, Eifel, Germany | pyrrhotite, spinel group (Ti-rich magnetite, Fe-rich magnesiochromite), perovskite, magnetoplumbite group (roughly along batiferrite-haggertyite join), calzirtite?, apatite group (Sr-rich fluorapatite), olivine (forsterite), fresnoite, lamprophyllite group (Fe-rich lileyite or Fe+Mg-rich schüllerite?), pyroxene (diopside), mica (biotite [Ba+Ti-rich fluorophlogopite]), nepheline, leucite, sodalite group (haüyne), zeolite (clinoptilolite-Ca?/+unknown) | olivine clinopyroxene leucite nephelinite | barium, titanium |
FKM-219 | Anna mine, Horní Planá (by Mariánské Lázně), Czech Republic | roscoelite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually V-bearing chlorite] | metasomatite? | vanadium, arsenic, nickel, uranium |
FKM-220 | Pacific Limestone Products quarry (Kalkar quarry), Santa Cruz Co., CA, USA | galena, pyrite, uraninite, calcite, gypsum, apatite (fluorapatite/hydroxylapatite), pabstite, pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (tremolite), feldspar (Ba-feldspar [celsian]), quartz | metasomatized metacarbonate | barium, tin |
FKM-221 | Little Green Monster mine, Clay Canyon, Fairfield, Utah Co., UT, USA | variscite, crandallite, wardite | phosphate nodules in limestone | phosphorus, scandium |
FKM-222 | near Mama River, Siberia, Russia | lazulite | advanced argillic assemblage | phosphorus |
FKM-223 | Kvanefjeld, Ilímaussaq intrusion, Greenland | neptunite | nepheline syenite | manganese, titanium, lithium |
FKM-224 | Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil | “orvillite”?, lamprophyllite group (lamprophyllite), rinkite group (along kochite-götzenite join), eudialyte group (eudialyte/ manganoeudialyte/ “Cl-kentbrooksite”), wadeite, (along “[H3O]+-georgechaoite”-georgechaoite join), pyroxene (aegirine), chlorite (chamosite), feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase]), nepheline, zeolite (analcime, natrolite) | nepheline syenite | manganese, zirconium |
FKM-225 | Kaznakhtinskii massif, Ust’-Koksa district, Altai Republic, Russia | iowaite, chromite, stichtite | metamorphosed altered chromatite | chromium |
FKM-226 | Khungtukun massif, Taimyr, Siberia, Russia | copper, iron, cohenite, troilite, hematite, ilmenite, spinel group (hercynite), olivine (Fe-rich forsterite/fayalite), pyroxene (Fe-rich pigeonite, Fe-rich augite), chlorite/smectite (“mixed layer chamosite+smectite”?), feldspar (K-spar [sanidine?/orthoclase?], plagioclase [“labradorite”/”andesine”]) | mafic (gabbro/basalt) intrusion into coal seam | iron, carbon |
FKM-227 | Eveslogchorr Mtn., Khibiny massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia | astrophyllite, microcline, nepheline | nepheline syenite | iron, titanium, niobium, zirconium |
FKM-228 | Varenche mine, Saint-Barthélemy, Nus, Aosta valley, Italy | hematite, crichtonite group (“M2Mn-senaite”), rutile, Mn-rich calcite, kutnohorite, gasparite-(Ce), HREE-rich chernovite-(Y), garnet (Mn-rich berzeliite/manganberzeliite), “Na2Ca3Mn3[AsO4]4(OH)2 . 6H2O”?, apatite (fluorapatite, As-bearing fluorapatite/As-bearing hydroxylapatite), As-bearing titanite, talc, quartz, feldspar (plagioclase [albite]) | Mn metasomatite | manganese, arsenic, titanium |
FKM-229 | Panj River gorge, ~5 km N of Vogde,Tajikistan | almandine, biotite | high grade melanosomic restite in migmatitic leucogranite | |
FKM-230 | Malagasy Republic (Madagascar; probably Ampanihy rhodonite deposit, Tuléar province) | takanelite, rhodochrosite, garnet (spessartine), titanite, pyroxene (“schefferite” [Mn-rich augite]), rhodonite group (“magnesiorhodonite”?), amphibole (tremolite) | Mn metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-231 | Mendes Pimentel, Minas Gerais, Brazil | brazilianite, microcline | granite pegmatite | phosphorus, beryllium |
FKM-232 | India (reportedly Ganjam, Orissa) | corundum, cordierite, sillimanite, kyanite | amphibolite to granulite metapelite | chromium |
FKM-233 | India (reportedly from the Mysore district) | rutile, spinel [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually garnet], apatite group (fluorapatite), epidote group (allanite-(Ce)), garnet (almandine), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), feldspar (plagioclase [“oligoclase”]) | amphibolite | chromium |
FKM-234 | Russia (probably Ekaterinburg, Urals region) | pyrophanite, pyrolusite? (or other “Mn-oxide”/”Mn-oxyhydroxide”), rhodochrosite, apatite (fluorapatite), braunite, rhodonite group (vittinkiite/rhodonite) | Mn metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-235 | Summit Rock, Klamath Co., OR, USA | spinel group (magnetite), hematite, ilmenite, rutile?, apatite group (fluorapatite), olivine (Fe-rich forsterite), zircon, pyroxene (“hypersthene”, pigeonite?, augite), feldspar (plagioclase [“bytownite”/”labradorite”/”andesine”]) | residual melt ± vapor phase growth in basaltic andesite | iron, titanium |
FKM-236 | Jakobsberg, Varmland, Sweden | barylite, hausmannite, calcite | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomite | barium, beryllium, manganese |
FKM-237 | Magnet Cove, Hot Springs Co., AR, USA | sphalerite, pyrite/Co-bearing pyrite, fluorite, Mn-rich ilmenite, Ti-tich magnetite, loparite-(Ce), bastnäsite-(Ce), apatite (fluorapatite), monazite-(Ce), titanite, pyroxene (diopside/aegirine/aegirine-augite), amphibole (~{fluoro-ferri-nybøite}-{ferri-obertiite} join/~{fluoro-magnesio-arfvedsonite}-{ferri-katophorite} join), mica (muscovite, biotite [fluoro-phlogopite/phlogopite/annite]), feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase in mesoperthite], plagioclase [albite in mesoperthite]), zeolite (analcime) | nepheline(?) analcime syenite | titanium, REE, fluorine, sodium |
FKM-238 | Pacific Limestone Products quarry (Kalkar quarry), Santa Cruz Co., CA, USA | sphalerite, galena, pyrrhotite, molybdenite (not verified), gersdorffite, calcite, dolomite, apatite (fluorapatite), barite, olivine (forsterite), zircon, “cherchiaraite-(VIMgIVAl)”?, pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (tremolite), mica (kinoshitalite), serpentine | metasomatized metacarbonate | nickel, arsenic, molybdenum, barium |
FKM-239 | Raidlgraben, near Werfen, Salzburg, Austria | lazulite | quartz veins | phosphorus, scandium |
FKM-240 | Obsidian Cliffs, 8 km S of Mackenzie Pass, Lane Co., OR, USA | osumilite | vapor phase growth in volcanic | |
FKM-241 | Lågendalen, near Larvik, Norway | catapleiite, aegirine, nepheline | nepheline syenite | zirconium |
FKM-242 | Nordmark, Sweden (suggested as from the “Kitteln ‘2’ mine”?) | Mg-rich iwakiite [Mg-rich jacobsite-Q], calcite, dolomite, norsethite, barytocalcite, orthopinakiolite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually Fe-rich fredrikssonite], barite, adelite, apatite (As-bearing hydroxylapatite), humite group (Mn-bearing hydroxylclinohumite), mica (kinoshitalite) | metamorphosed Ba-Mn metasomite | manganese, boron, arsenic, barium |
FKM-243 | Bald Knob, Sparta, Alleghany Co., NC, USA | linnaeite, cobaltite, spinel group (galaxite, jacobsite), rhodochrosite, kutnohorite, apatite (fluorapatite), humite group (alleghanyite, manganhumite), serpentine (kellyite), “Ca-stilpnomelane” | Mn metasomatite | manganese, cobalt, arsenic |
FKM-244 | Gem mine, San Benito Co., CA, USA | benitoite, neptunite, natrolite | metasomatic veins in serpentinite | barium, titanium, manganese, lithium |
FKM-245 | Salem Neck, Essex Co., MA, USA | nepheline, biotite | nepheline syenite | |
FKM-246 | Rapid Creek, Dawson mining district, Yukon, Canada | lazulite, wardite, augelite | metasomatized sedimentary phosphorite | phosphorus |
FKM-247 | Iodake volcano, Satsuma-Iwojima, Japan | roedderite | vapor phase growth in volcanic | |
FKM-248 | Portland Point, Tompkins Co., NY, USA | phlogopite, olivine | mica peridotite | |
FKM-249 | near Red Hill, Carroll Co., NH, USA | ilmenite, spinel group (magnetite), pyrochlore group (hydroxykenopyrochlore?), aeschynite-(Y), bastnäsite-(Ce), monazite-(Ce), apatite (fluorapatite), pyroxene (aegirine-augite), amphibole (ferro-ferri-katophorite/ferro-ferri-taramite), mica (biotite [annite]), feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase in mesoperthite], plagioclase [albite in mesoperthite]), nepheline, sodalite [listed on dealer label but not observed in hand sample or thin section], cancrinite, zeolite (analcime) | cancrinite nepheline syenite | uranium, REE |
FKM-250 | Murfreesboro, Pike Co., AR, USA | phlogopite, cpx, olivine | mica augite peridotite | |
FKM-251 | Mont Saint-Gregoire (Mont Johnson), Québec, Canada | pyrrhotite, pyrite, spinel group (magnetite), ilmenite, baddeleyite, zirconolite, apatite (fluorapatite), Zr-bearing titanite, pyroxene (augite), amphibole (ferri-kaersutite), mica (Ti+Fe3+-rich biotite), feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase], plagioclase [“andesine”/”oligoclase”]), nepheline, zeolite (analcime, gismondine?) | essexite (nepheline monzodiorite) | titanium, zirconium |
FKM-252 | reportedly Kyiv, Ukraine | boracite [listed on dealer label but not observed, nor expected], spinel group (magnesiochromite), olivine (forsterite), pyroxene (diopside), low-z Mg sheet(?) silicate | chromatite | chromium |
FKM-253 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | stillwellite-(Ce), quartz, aegirine, microcline | alkali granite | boron, REE, cesium |
FKM-254 | Solongo B deposit, Buryatia, Transbaikal region, Russia | frolovite, olshanskyite | borate skarn | boron |
FKM-255 | Nežilovo, Veles, Macedonia | zincohögbomite | high grade metasomatized marble | zinc, barium, lead |
FKM-256 | E. Pedriza massif, Sierra de Guadarrama, Spain | “Fe-oxide”/”Fe-oxyhydroxide”, apatite (fluorapatite), zircon, titanite, epidote group (ferriallanite-(Ce)), pyroxene (aegirine/aegirine-augite), amphibole (“ferri-whittakerite” [listed on dealer label but now reclassified as ferri-leakeite; actually variably zoned ferri-leakeite/ferri-fluoro-leakeite/ferri-pedrizite/ferri-fluoro-pedrizite]), mica (biotite, tainiolite), quartz, feldspar (K-spar [orthoclase?], plagioclase [albite]) | Na+Li-metasomatized epi-syenite | lithium |
FKM-257 | Srednyaya Padma U-V deposit, south Karelia, Russia | galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, Cr-rich “leucoxene”?, [Cr+V]-rich hematite, spinel group (Zn-rich chromite/Fe-rich zincochromite), [Cr+V]-rich goethite, dolomite, barite, coffinite?, mica (chromceladonite, “vanadoceladonite”, “vanadoceladonite”-phlogopite join), quartz | metamorphosed U-rollfront? | chromium, vanadium, zinc, uranium |
FKM-258 | Case Parigi, Dora Maira massif, Martiniana Po, Italy | rutile, apatite (fluorapatite), garnet (pyrope), Zr+P-bearing ellenbergerite, kyanite, amphibole (“sodic-gedrite” or alternatively composition on the {gedrite}-{“rootname 1”} join, composition on the {glaucophane}-{“rootname 7”} join), talc, chlorite (clinochlore), smectite (or possibly wonesite?), quartz? | eclogite facies whiteschist | zirconium, phosphorus, titanium, magnesium |
FKM-259 | Illutalik Island, Narsaq, Kujalleq, Greenland | emeleusite, narsarsukite | peralkaline trachyite dike | lithium, titanium |
FKM-260 | Hørtekollen, Sylling, Lier, Buskerud, Norway | helvine, fluorite | granite-hosted greisen | manganese, beryllium, fluorine |
FKM-261 | stone quarries, ~70 SE of Amman, Lisdan-Siwaga fault, Hashem region, Jordan | volkonskoite, diopside | sanidinite facies pyrometamorphic marble | chromium |
FKM-262 | Kovdor phlogopite mine (Slyuda mine), Murmansk region, Kola Peninsula, Russia | pyrrhotite, spinel group (magnetite), olivine (forsterite, monticellite), garnet (andradite), melilite (åkermanite), pyroxene (diopside), wollastonite, xonotlite, mica (biotite [phlogopite]) | olivine melilitolite | |
FKM-263 | Tashelginskoye mine, Tashelga River, western Siberia, Russia | corundum, spinel group (magnetite, hercynite), hibonite, tashelgite, calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), monazite-(Ce), garnet (grossular), vesuvianite | granulite facies aluminous marble | aluminum |
FKM-264 | Kovdor massif, Murmansk region, Kola Peninsula, Russia | calcite, apatite (hydroxylapatite), amphibole (magnesio-hastingsite), mica (biotite [phlogopite]) | carbonatite-associated alkaline ultramafic | |
FKM-265 | Kovdor massif, Murmansk region, Kola Peninsula, Russia | pyrrhotite, pentlandite, spinel group (magnetite), perovskite group (perovskite), calcite, apatite (hydroxylapatite), garnet (“hydro-andradite”), pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (katophorite [listed as “magnesio-katophorite” on dealer label but not observed; actually magnesio-hastingsite]) | carbonatite-associated alkaline ultramafic | |
FKM-266 | Gusdal Aheim, Almklovdalen, Norway | galena, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, rutile, garnet (pyrope), pyroxene (enstatite, diopside), amphibole (magnesio-hornblende) | amphibolized garnet websterite | chromium, nickel |
FKM-267 | ~50 km NW of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia | piemontite | meta-Mn-metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-268 | Hazrat Saeed, Koksha Valley, Badakhshan, Afghanistan | corundum, “Fe-oxyhydroxide”, uraninite, dolomite, zircon, tourmaline (fluor-dravite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually dravite/oxy-dravite/oxy-uvite]), mica (biotite [phlogopite]), chlorite (clinochlore, “mixed [Fe+Mg+Al]-chlorite”) | schist? (blackwall of B-bearing pegmatite?) | magnesium, boron |
FKM-269 | Bikkulovskoe deposit, southern Urals, Russia | pumpellyite-Mn2+, piemontite, andradite, caryopilite | low grade meta-Mn-metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-270 | Tashelga River, western Siberia, Russia | tashelgite, hibonite, calcite | “calc-skarnoid” | |
FKM-271 | Hatrurim Formation, Negev, Israel | nagelschmidtite, andradite, melilite, kalsilite, wollastonite, flameite | sanidinite facies pyrometamorphic marble | phosphorus, titanium |
FKM-272 | Ufalei Ni deposit, southern Urals, Russia | pecoraite | metasomatized serpentinite | nickel |
FKM-273 | Hålsjöberg, Sweden | trolleite, kyanite, scorzalite, berlinite, burangaite, rutile | advanced argillic assemblage | aluminum, phosphorus |
FKM-274 | Vishnyakovskoe Rb-Ta deposit, Prebaikalia, eastern Siberia, Russia | wodginite, muscovite, microcline | Rb-Ta granite pegmatite | manganese, tin, rubidium, tantalum, cesium, lithium |
FKM-275 | Union Carbide mine, Hot Springs Co., AR, USA | miserite, wollastonite, aegirine | nepheline syenite | titanium, vanadium |
FKM-276 | American #1 talc mine, Balmat-Edwards, St. Lawrence Co., NY, USA | apatite (fluorapatite), zircon, tourmaline (chromium-dravite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually oxy-chromium-dravite]), amphibole (Cr-bearing tremolite), quartz | granulite facies metasomatic metacarbonate | chromium |
FKM-277 | Cervadone Mtn., Val d’Osola, Italy | tilasite | quartz veins in two-mica leucocratic gneiss | arsenic |
FKM-278 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | baratovite | alkali granite | lithium, boron, REE, cesium |
FKM-279 | Sterling Hill, Sussex Co., NJ, USA | sussexite, franklinite | high grade Zn-Mn-bearing marble | manganese, boron, zinc |
FKM-280 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | turkestanite | alkali granite | thorium, REE, lithium |
FKM-281 | Uvil’dy Lake, south Urals, Russia | zircon, [As+Sb]-bearing holtite, tourmaline (oxy-schorl/”Fe-bearing oxy-olenite”), feldspar (K-spar [perthite orthoclase host, orthoclase], plagioclase [perthite albite lamellae]), quartz | dumortierite granite pegmatite | boron, aluminum, tantalum, arsenic, antimony |
FKM-282 | Eikern, Buskerud, Norway | galena, löllingite, pyrochlore group (fluorcalciopyrochlore), fluorite, Hf-rich zircon, “OH-gadolinite-(Y)”, mica (biotite), feldspar (K-spar [perthite orthoclase host, orthoclase], plagioclase [perthite albite? lamellae, “oligoclase”]), quartz, helvine [“helvite”] group (genthelvite) | granite chilled margin | zinc, beryllium, niobium, arsenic, yttrium, HREE, manganese |
FKM-283 | Tazheran massif, Baikal region, Russia | Co-bearing pentlandite, geikielite, spinel group (magnetite, spinel, qandilite), “limonite”, U-bearing calzirtite, calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), olivine (forsterite), serpentine | high grade magnesian marble, but also possibly carbonatite | magnesium, titanium, zirconium, nickel, cobalt |
FKM-284 | Titovskoe B deposit, Tas-Khayakhtakh Range, Polar Yakutia, Sakha, Russia | olshanskyite, sakhaite, magnetite | high grade B-bearing skarn | boron |
FKM-285 | Cava Seula, Locatelli, Baveno, Italy | polycrase-(Y), aeschynite-(Y), fluorite | granite | yttrium, niobium, fluorine, uranium |
FKM-286 | Norra Kärr, Småland, Sweden | rosenbuschite, fluorite | nepheline syenite | zirconium, lithium |
FKM-287 | “Gratinern Hill, Ontario”(?), Canada | kornerupine/prismatine | B-bearing granulite facies metapelite | boron |
FKM-288 | Sneynoe, Eastern Sajan, Siberia, Russia | phenakite | likely blackwall adjacent to Be-bearing granitoid | beryllium |
FKM-289 | Luhr Hill, Yerington district, Lyon Co., NV, USA (?) | oxy-dravite, phlogopite | Mg-B-metasomatite | boron |
FKM-290 | Mundarara mine, Arusha area, (27 km W of similar Longido) Tanzania | spinel group (Cr-rich spinel/Cr-rich hercynite/Al-rich chromite), corundum, titanite, zoisite, epidote group (Fe-rich clinozoisite/epidote), amphibole (pargasite/alternatively sadanagaite), chlorite (clinochlore, amesite), “aluminous vermiculite”? | high pressure “amphibolite” (meta-gabbroid) | chromium |
FKM-291 | Mt. Wheeler Mine, White Pine Co., NV, USA | bertrandite | Be-metasomatite | beryllium |
FKM-292 | Dobrova, Dravograd, Slovenia | rutile, Al2O[SiO4] (unknown polymorph), tourmaline (dravite), mica (muscovite, paragonite) | pelitic schist | boron |
FKM-293 | Fountain quarry, Fountain, Pitt Co., NC, USA. | bafertisite, aegirine, richterite | peralkaline granite | barium, titanium |
FKM-294 | Hålsjöberg, Sweden | lazulite | advanced argillic assemblage | aluminum, phosphorus |
FKM-295 | Johnsburg township, Warren Co., NY, USA | pyrite, barite, apatite (fluorapatite), pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (pargasite), serendibite, mica (biotite [Ba-rich phlogopite]), feldspar (Ba-feldspar [“hyalophane”], plagioclase [albite]) | granulite facies B-bearing magnesian skarn | boron, barium |
FKM-296 | Bukov Mine, Rožná deposit, Czech Republic | berzelianite | hydrothermal vein | copper, selenium, uranium |
FKM-297 | Gentil claim, Mendes Pimentel, Minas Gerais, Brazil | phosphosiderite, triphylite | granite pegmatite | lithium, iron, phosphorus |
FKM-298 | Oka, Québec, Canada | galena, pyrrhotite, spinel group (magnetite), perovskite group (latrappite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually [Na+Nb]-rich perovskite]), pyrochlore group (“uranopyrochlore” [actually presumably U-rich oxycalciopyrochlore or U-rich hydroxycalciopyrochlore), calcite, apatite (hydroxylapatite/fluorapatite boundary, britholite-(Ce)), olivine (monticellite), niocalite?, mica (biotite [Ba-rich phlogopite]) | carbonatite | niobium |
FKM-299 | Taguchi mine, Aichi, Japan | pyrite, rhodochrosite, barite, yoshimuraite, nambulite, rhodonite group (vittinkiite/”ferrovittinkiite”/”magnesiovittinkiite” boundary composition), amphibole (richterite [listed in references but not observed; actually ~{ferri-ghoseite}-hjalmarite join]), quartz, orthoclase, possible Ba-rich zeolite? | high grade meta Mn-metasomatite | manganese, barium, titanium, phosphorus, lithium |
FKM-300 | Arrow Junction Quarry, Queenstown-Lakes District, Otago Region, South Island, New Zealand | ardennite-(As), piemontite | low grade meta Mn-metasomatite | manganese, arsenic |
FKM-301 | Esquire No. 7 claim, Big Creek, Rush Creek deposit, Fresno Co., CA, USA | muirite, sanbornite | Ba-metasomatite | barium, titanium, chlorine |
FKM-302 | Kilbride, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK | harkerite, monticellite | high grade metasomatized marble (“skarn”) | boron |
FKM-303 | Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, USA | spinel group (franklinite), calcite, barite, apatite (johnbaumite), willemite, garnet (andradite, “hydro-andradite”), clinohedrite, melilite (hardystonite), pyroxene (diopside/johannsenite/petedunnite solid solution [“jeffersonite”]), bustamite | high grade Pb-bearing Zn-Mn metasomatite | lead, zinc |
FKM-304 | Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., NJ, USA | kraisslite, franklinite | high grade Zn-Mn metasomatite | manganese, zinc, arsenic |
FKM-305 | Água de Pau Massif, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal | ilmenite, spinel group (magnetite), pyrochlore (fluorcalciopyrochore), apatite (fluorapatite), zircon, chevkinite-(Ce), pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (ferro-ferri-fluoro-katophorite/[fluoro-pargasite or alternatively fluoro-edenite]), mica (Ti-rich biotite), feldspar (alkali feldspar [“Na-sanidine” or alternatively anorthoclase?]), “alkali silicate”, quartz | quartz syenite | fluorine, niobium, REE |
FKM-306 | Semiostrov’e, Keivy Mountains, Murmansk Oblast, Russia | rutile, ilmenite, apatite (fluorapatite), monazite-(Ce), xenotime-(Y), zircon, staurolite, mica (muscovite, biotite), chlorite (clinochlore), feldspar (plagioclase [“oligoclase”]), quartz | pelitic schist | vanadium |
FKM-307 | Mautia Hill, Tanzania | rutile, hematite, “green” yoderite, zircon, amphibole (anthophyllite-gedrite join), talc | eclogite facies whiteschist | magnesium |
FKM-308 | labeled as “East Transbaikalia”, but probably Yoko-Dovyrensky Massif, Prebaikalia (Pribaikal’e), Russia | perovskite group (perovskite), calcite, apatite (hydroxylapatite), pyroxene (“blue” diopside), wollastonite?, foshagite | high-grade calc-silicate skarn | |
FKM-309 | Kola Peninsula, Russia | pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pentlandite, argentopentlandite, gersdorffite, violarite?, rutile, kyanite, [Zn+Cr]-rich staurolite, kaolinite, mica (Cr-bearing muscovite [“fuchsite”], biotite), quartz, feldspar (plagioclase [albite]) | pelitic schist | chromium |
FKM-310 | Champion Mine, White Mts, Mono Co., CA, USA | svanbergite | meta advanced argillic assemblage | strontium, phosphorus, sulfur, aluminum |
FKM-311 | Snillfjord, Krokstadøra, Trondheim, Sør-Trondelag, Norway | thulite (zoisite or clinozoisite) | Mn-bearing calc-silicate | manganese |
FKM-312 | MQ Granite AS quarry, Gaskkabeaivári, Kautokeino, Finnmark, Norway | Co-bearing pyrite, monazite-(Ce), zircon, mica (Cr-bearing muscovite [“fuchsite”], Cr-bearing biotite), feldspar (K-spar [microcline]), quartz | quartzite | chromium |
FKM-313 | In den Dellen quarry, Laacher See volcano, Eifel, Germany | spinel group (magnetite), apatite ([REE+Si]-rich fluorapatite, [REE+Si]-rich hydroxylapatite), titanite, pyroxene (diopside/hedenbergite), feldspar (alkali feldspar [Na-rich sanidine], plagioclase [K-rich “oligoclase”]), sodalite group (haüyne), silicate melt inclusions? | haüyne phonolite | sulfur, manganese, REE |
FKM-314 | Ali Abad, Hunza Valley, Gilgit District, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan | pargasite, spinel, corundum | high grade marble | chromium |
FKM-315 | Kipawa complex, Villedieu township, Québec, Canada | fluorite, rinkite-(Y) [found on an accompanying sample but not observed in this thin section; here actually hiortdahlite and mosandrite-(Ce)], pyroxene (omphacite/aegirine-augite), feldspar (K-spar [microcline], plagioclase [albite]) | eudialyte syenite (metamorphosed) |
FKM-316 | Saranovskoe mine, Ural Mountains, Russia | spinel group (magnesiochromite/chromite), apatite (F-rich hydroxylapatite), garnet (Cr-rich grossular/Al-rich uvarovite), pumpellyite group (Cr-rich pumpellyite-(Mg)/Al-rich shuiskite-(Mg)), chlorite (Cr-rich clinochlore) | metamorphosed altered chromatite | chromium |
FKM-317 | Franklin, Sussex Co., NJ, USA | chlorophoenicite | high grade Zn-Mn metasomatite | zinc, magnesium, manganese, arsenic |
FKM-318 | Ilmen Natural Reserve, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia | corundum, biotite, orthoclase, monazite | desilicified granite | yttrium, REE, niobium |
FKM-319 | Vasin-Myl’k Mt, Voron’i Tundry, Kola Peninsula, Russia | fairfieldite | phosphate-enriched LCT granite pegmatite | phosphorus, manganese, lithium |
FKM-320 | Koashva Mt, Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia | paraumbite | nepheline syenite | zirconium |
FKM-321 | Hatrurim Formation, Negev, Israel | kalsilite | sanidinite facies pyrometamorphic marble | |
FKM-322 | (possibly Malyshevskaya pit), Izumrudnye Kopi area, Malyshevo, Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia | margarite (possibly beryllian) | possible blackwall between granite and ? | beryllium |
FKM-323 | Rasvumchorr Mt Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia |
delhayelite | nepheline syenite | chlorine, sulfur |
FKM-324 | Jakobsberg, Varmland, Sweden | ganomalite, phlogopite | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomatite | lead, manganese |
FKM-325 | Popigai impact crater, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia | maskelynite (“plagioclase glass”) | impact-associated UHT and UHP metasediments | |
FKM-326 | Kukh-i-Lal, Pyandzh River Valley, Gorno-Badakhshan, Tajikistan | clinohumite, spinel | high grade marble | fluorine |
FKM-327 | Area Novo-Dzhaginskoe deposit Omsukchan, Ducat District, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Far-Eastern Russia |
dumortierite | advanced argillic+B alteration of tin-silver veins? | boron |
FKM-328 | Trikorfo area, Theologos, Thasos, East Macedonia and Thrace, Greece | hematite, rutile, apatite (fluorapatite), monazite-(Ce), [Mn+Fe]-bearing andalusite (“viridine”), sillimanite, mica (biotite [phlogopite]), chlorite (clinochlore), feldspar (plagioclase [“oligoclase”]), quartz | manganiferous metapelitic gneiss | manganese |
FKM-329 | Prabornaz mine, St. Marcel, Italy | violane (Mn-rich diopside/omphacite) | meta manganiferous sediment | manganese |
FKM-330 | Mt. Cavalluccio, Sacrofano Caldera, Campagnano, Rome, Lazio, Italy | mottanaite-(Ce) | feldspathoidal alkali-syenite ejectum | REE, boron, beryllium |
FKM-331 | Cerchiara Mine, Borghetto Vara, Vara Valley, La Spezia Province, Liguria, Italy | calcite, braunite, noelbensonite, pyroxene (namansilite), orientite, amphibole (Mn-bearing richterite), “manganipyrophyllite”, feldspar (K-spar), quartz, “Ba-bostwickite”? | meta manganiferous sediment | manganese |
FKM-332 | near Lewistown, Fergus Co., MT, USA | pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, zircon, titanite, epidote group (mukhinite [listed on label but not observed; actually Cr-bearing allanite-(Ce)/REE-bearing “tawmawite”/Cr-bearing clinozoisite], clinozoisite), amphibole (Cr-rich tremolite), feldspar (K-spar, plagioclase [albite]), quartz, scapolite (marialite) | metasomatized evaporite-bearing argillite? | chromium, REE, vanadium, chlorine |
FKM-333 | Aghbar Mine, Bou Azzer District, Ouarzazate Province, Drâa-Tafilalet, Morocco | roselite, calcite | five element suite cobalt arsenide veins | cobalt, arsenic |
FKM-334 | N’Chwaning II Mine, Kuruman, Kalahari manganese field, Northern Cape, South Africa | hausmannite, barite, apatite (Sr-bearing hydroxylapatite), garnet (henmiterierite), braunite, vesuvianite group (Mn-bearing cyprine/Cu-bearing manganvesuvianite) | hydrothermal Mn metasediment | manganese, copper |
FKM-335 | Le Novelle Quarry, Ercolano, Monte Somma, Somma-Vesuvius Complex, Naples, Campania, Italy | pyrrhotite, “Fe-oxide”/”Fe-oxyhydroxide”, calcite, apatite (fluorapatite), zircon, titanite, pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (hastingsite, potassic-hastingsite), mica (biotite), feldspar (K-spar [sanidine], plagioclase [“oligoclase”/”andesine”]), nepheline, cancrinite group (davyne?) | metasomatized sanidinite facies ejectum | chlorine |
FKM-336 | Le Coreux, Salmchâteau, Vielsalm, Stavelot Massif, Belgium | hematite, cerianite-(Ce), wakefieldite-(Ce)?, braunite, kanonaite/Mn-bearing andalusite (“viridine”), ardennite-(V)?, muscovite, quartz | manganiferous metapelitic schist | manganese, REE, vanadium, arsenic |
FKM-337 | Graulay, Hillesheim, Vulkaneifel, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany | melilite, nepheline, perovskite, magnetite, apatite | late stage cavity filling in nephelinite | titanium |
FKM-338 | Hpakant-Tawmaw jade tract, Kachin state, Burma | jadeite | blueschist metasomatite | chromium |
FKM-339 | Ogilby, Cargo Muchacho Mtns, Imperial Co., CA, USA | pyrophyllite, kyanite, lazulite/scorzalite | meta advanced argillic assemblage | phosphorus |
FKM-340 | unknown locality, but presumably eastern Turkey | awaruite, spinel group (magnesiochromite/chromite), chlorite (Cr-bearing clinochlore “kämmererite”) | metamorphosed altered chromatite | chromium |
FKM-341 | (sub-locality #4) Mautia Hill, Tanzania | hematite, zircon, titanite, epidote group (Mn-rich epidote/Fe-rich piemontite), pyroxene (diopside), amphibole (edenite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually tremolite]), quartz | whiteschist-associated UHP calc-silicate | manganese |
FKM-342 | boulder field E of Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania | combeite, nepheline, wollastonite, aegirine-augite/diopside, andradite | carbonatite-associated nephelinite | sodium |
FKM-343 | White Cloud pegmatite, South Platte, Jefferson, Co., CO, USA | thalénite-(Y), yttrofluorite, allanite-(Ce), bastnäsite-(Ce) | REE-bearing granite pegmatite | yttrium, fluorine, REE |
FKM-344 | Gun claim, near Wilson Lake and Itsy Mountain, Yukon, Canada | muirite, celsian, sanbornite | Ba-Ti-B-metasomatite | chlorine, barium, titanium |
FKM-345 | high Pellice Valley, Piedmont, Italy | chromian omphacite | jadeitite | chromium |
FKM-346 | Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada | normandite, nepheline, aegirine, eudialyte, albite, cancrinite | nepheline syenite | manganese, titanium |
FKM-347 | Lleida (Lérida), Catalonia, Spain | aerinite | zeolite facies altered mafic rock | |
FKM-348 | Gjerdingen, Norway | gagarinite-(Y) | alkali “soda-granite” | fluorine, yttrium |
FKM-349 | Bellerberg volcano, Ettringen, Eifel Volcanic Fields, Germany | calcio-olivine, portlandite | sanidinite facies metacarbonate ejectum | |
FKM-350 | Xianghualing mine, Linwu Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China | hsianghualite, phlogopite, liberite, chrysoberyl, magnesiotaaffeite, zinconigerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite | greisen-like skarn in at limestone-granite contact | beryllium, lithium, zinc |
FKM-351 | Farbište, Poniky, Banská Bystrica region, Slovakia | tyrolite, azurite | oxidized zone of rhyolite-hosted Cu-As deposit | copper, arsenic |
FKM-352 | Taseq slope, Ilímaussaq complex, Narsaq, Kujalleq, Greenland | tugtupite, ussingite | agpaitic nepheline syenite | beryllium |
FKM-353 | Långban, Sweden | manganberzeliite, richterite, tephroite, caryinite | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomatite | manganese, arsenic |
FKM-354 | Akpınar, near Harmancık, Tavşanlı Zone, Turkey | manganian jadeite, phlogopite, orthoclase, quartz, epidote, chloritoid | jadeitite | manganese |
FKM-355 | Fuka mine, Takahashi City, Okayama prefecture, Japan | morimotoite, wollastonite | sanidinite facies metacarbonate | titanium |
FKM-356 | Twin Lakes limestone deposit, Fresno Co., California, USA | hydroxylclinohumite, geikielite, calcite, spinel | high grade dolomitic marble | |
FKM-357 | Big Creek, Rush Creek deposit, Fresno Co., California, USA | fencooperite, titantaramellite | Ba-Ti-B-metasomatite | barium, titanium |
FKM-358 | Gozaisho mine, Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan | nambulite, rhodonite, iwakiite, albite, aegirine | meta manganiferous sediment | manganese, lithium, arsenic |
FKM-359 | Allt a’Mhuillin, Loch Borralan, Assynt, Scotland, UK | vishnevite, orthoclase, biotite, melanite andradite garnet, nepheline, “pseudoleucite” | nepheline syenite “borolanite” | sulfur, titanium |
FKM-360 | “Rosalinda occurrence”, near Tambo Colorado, Pisco province, Ica, Peru | scapolite, [Mn+Fe]-bearing clinozoisite, calcite, pyrite, titanite | alkali-chloride metasomatite | chlorine, manganese |
FKM-361 | Liebenbergite slag dump, Lavrion slag localities, Attica, Greece | liebenbergite, schäferite, trevorite, haüyne, whitlockite | historic metallurgical slag | nickel, vanadium |
FKM-362 | Kedrovyi alkaline massif, Murunskii Massif, confluence of the Chara & Tokko Rivers, Aldan Shield, Russia | Sr-bearing potassic-richterite | K-fenite | potassium, strontium |
FKM-363 | Kedrovyi alkaline massif, Murunskii Massif, confluence of the Chara & Tokko Rivers, Aldan Shield, Russia | Sr-bearing potassic-richterite | K-fenite | potassium, strontium |
FKM-364 | Kovdor Zheleznyi Mine (Iron Mine), Murmansk region, Kola Peninsula, Russia | clinohumite, phlogopite, magnetite | serpentinized carbonatite-associated “olivinite” | |
FKM-365 | Martiniana Po, Dora Maira, Italy | coesite (replaced by quartz), pyrope | eclogite facies whiteschist | |
FKM-366 | northern Ladoga Region, Karelia, Russia | fluoro-edenite | marble | fluorine |
FKM-367 | Tazheran massif, Baikal region, Russia | kirschsteinite, andradite, larnite, merwinite | skarn xenoliths in alkali syenite | |
FKM-368 | Östanmoss mine, Norberg, Västmanland, Sweden | dollaseite-(Ce), tremolite | REE metasomatite | REE |
FKM-369 | Slyudyanka, Lake Baikal area, Russia | tremolite, diopside | marble | chromium |
FKM-370 | Malmkärra mine, Norberg, Västmanland, Sweden | fluorbritholite-(Ce), västmanlandite-(Ce), “ferridissakisite-(Ce)”/dollaseite-(Ce), gadolinite-(Ce) | REE metasomatite | REE |
FKM-371 | Tayezhnoe, Yakutia, Russia | serendibite, diopside, spinel | granulite facies Fe-B-bearing skarn | iron, boron |
FKM-372 | Vielsalm, Stavelot Massif, Belgium | ardennite-(As), quartz, rutile | manganiferous metapelitic schist | manganese, arsenic, vanadium |
FKM-373 | Saranovskoe mine, Ural Mountains, Russia | clinochlore, titanite, uvarovite, magnesiochromite/chromite | metamorphosed altered chromatite | chromium |
FKM-374 | Dyadina Gora, Karelia, Russia | gedrite, magnesiohögbomite, sapphirine, staurolite, cordierite, kyanite | high grade aluminous amphibolite | |
FKM-375 | (sub-locality #1) Mautia Hill, Tanzania | magnesio-hornblende, gedrite, yoderite, talc, quartz | whiteschist-associated UHP metamorphic | |
FKM-376 | (sub-locality #2) Mautia Hill, Tanzania | magnesio-fluoro-hornblende, anthophyllite, Mn-bearing epidote, piemontite | whiteschist-associated UHP metamorphic | |
FKM-377 | Fuka mine, Fuka, Bicchu-cho, Takahashi City, Okayama prefecture, Japan | henmilite | sanidinite facies metacarbonate | copper, boron |
FKM-378 | Silberbach, near Hof, Bavaria, Germany | garnet, Cr-bearing omphacite | mafic eclogite | chromium |
FKM-379 | Bonnet Island, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada | menzerite-(Y), Y-bearing almandine, oligoclase, allanite, augite, ferrosilite | felsic granulite | yttrium |
FKM-380 | Utö, Sweden | holmquistite, biotite, quartz | pegmatite-associated blackwall | lithium |
FKM-381 | ~3 km SW of Kansi, Hpakant-Tawmaw jade tract, Kachin state, Burma | kosmochlor, Cr-bearing jadeite, Cr-bearing eckermannite | blueschist jadeitite | chromium |
FKM-382 | Durham Ranch, near Wright, Campbell Co., WY, USA | esseneite, gehlenite, plagioclase | sanidinite facies paralava (sedimentary rock partially fused by an adjacent burning coal seam) | |
FKM-383 | Durham Ranch, near Wright, Campbell Co., WY, USA | srebrodolskite, gehlenite, ye’elimite, spinel, larnite | sanidinite facies paralava (sedimentary rock partially fused by an adjacent burning coal seam) | |
FKM-384 | Durham Ranch, near Wright, Campbell Co., WY, USA | alumoåkermanite | sanidinite facies paralava (sedimentary rock partially fused by an adjacent burning coal seam) | |
FKM-385 | Seixoso quarry, Lixa, Portugal | zinconigerite-2N1S (may be ferronigerite-2N1S), vivianite | Sn-bearing pegmatite | zinc, tin |
FKM-386 | Bor mine, Dal’negorsk, Russia | dalnegorskite/ferrobustamite, hedenbergite, datolite | boron skarn | manganese |
FKM-387 | Långban, Sweden | mangani-pargasite, hausmannite, phlogopite | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomatite | manganese |
FKM-388 | Xianghualing mine, Linwu Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China | hsianghualite, fluorite, phlogopite, liberite, chrysoberyl, magnesiotaaffeite, zinconigerite | greisen-like skarn in at limestone-granite contact | lithium, beryllium, zinc |
FKM-389 | Commercial quarry, Crestmore, California, USA | clintonite, calcite, monticellite, garnet | high grade metasomatized marble (“skarn”) | |
FKM-390 | North Thunderbird mine, St. Louis Co., (Mesabi Range), MN, USA | minnesotaite, greenalite | low grade metamorphosed Fe formation | iron |
FKM-391 | Liebenbergite slag dump, Lavrion slag localities, Attica, Greece | troilite? (foreign?), bunsenite, spinel group (trevorite/”Fe3+-rich NiAl2O4“/Ni-rich chromite), “Na1.2V3O8“, “Ni3[VO4]2“, garnet (Ni-rich schäferite/”(NaCa2)Ni2+2[VO4]3“/”Ni-rich Na3Fe3+2[VO4]3“), olivine (Ni-rich forsterite/Mg-rich liebenbergite), feldspar (plagioclase [albite (high?)]), sodalite group (haüyne) | historic metallurgical slag | nickel, vanadium |
FKM-392 | Liebenbergite slag dump, Lavrion slag localities, Attica, Greece | pyrite?, spinel group (trevorite/”Fe3+-rich NiAl2O4“), “[PO4]6[VO4]-analogue of [PO4]7 merrillite”, “Na1.2V3O8“, “Ni3[VO4]2“, garnet (Ni-rich schäferite/”(NaCa2)Ni2+2[VO4]3“), olivine (Ni-rich forsterite/Mg-rich liebenbergite), feldspar (plagioclase [albite (high?)]), sodalite group (haüyne) | historic metallurgical slag | nickel, vanadium |
FKM-393 | unknown at present | iridescent blue orthoamphibole (anthophyllite/gedrite), staurolite, clinochlore, cordierite, quartz, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite | orthoamphibolite (akin to “nuummite”) | |
FKM-394 | Yamanobo, Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan | kosmochlor, Cr-eckermannite | blueschist-facies jadeitic amphibolite | chromium |
FKM-395 | Yamanobo, Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan | kosmochlor, Cr-rich eckermannite | blueschist-facies jadeitic amphibolite | chromium |
FKM-396 | Ohmi river, Ōmi, Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan | itoigawaite, jadeite | jadeitite | strontium |
FKM-397 | Ohmi river, Ōmi, Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan | ohmilite, magnesio-riebeckite, albite | albitite | strontium |
FKM-398 | Ohmi river, Ōmi, Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan | strontio-orthojoaquinite, benitoite, magnesio-riebeckite, sepiolite, albite | albitite | strontium, barium |
FKM-399 | Iwagi Island, Ochi District, Ehime Prefecture, Japan | sugilite, katayamalite, pectolite/murakamiite, aegirine-augite, albite, quartz | albitite | lithium, titanium |
FKM-400 | N’Chwaning I Mine, Kuruman, Northern Cape, South Africa | sugilite, pectolite | hydrothermal Mn metasediment | manganese, lithium |
FKM-401 | Lupikko Mine, Pitkyaranta, Karelia, Russia | helvine, fluorite, amphibole, biotite | greisen-like skarn | beryllium, boron, fluorine |
FKM-402 | Moss mine, Nordmark, Sweden | synadelphite | metamorphosed Pb-As-Mn metasomatite | manganese, arsenic |
FKM-403 | Ristiniem peninsula, Pitkyaranta, Karelia, Russia | norbergite, phlogopite, forsterite, calcite, dolomite | high grade magnesian marble | fluorine |
FKM-404 | Magnet Cove, Hot Springs Co., AR, USA | spinel group (magnetite), perovskite group (perovskite), calcite, apatite (F-bearing hydroxylapatite), olivine (monticellite), garnet (kimzeyite [listed on dealer label but not observed; actually kerimasite]) | carbonatite | zirconium, titanium |
FKM-405 | Bastnäs, Sweden | ferri-allanite-(Ce), actinolite, pyrite | REE metasomatite | REE |
FKM-406 | Nueva Vizcaya mine, Burguillos del Cerro, Badajoz, Spain | allanite-(La)/allanite-(Ce)/REE-rich epidote, magnetite | Fe mine oxide ore and silicate alteration assemblage | REE, iron |
FKM-407 | Rasvumchorr Mt Khibiny Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia |
fenaksite | nepheline syenite | |
FKM-408 | Långban, Sweden | joesmithite | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomite | lead, beryllium |
FKM-409 | Blue Bell Mine, Zzyzx (near Baker), Soda Mountains, San Bernardino Co., CA, USA | linarite, caledonite | oxidized zone of Cu-Pb deposit | copper, lead |
FKM-410 | Coal mine No. 45 (burned dump), Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia | “chlorohibschite” (“igumnovite”) | sanidinite-facies coal-fire pyrometamorphic | chlorine |
FKM-411 | Bellerberg volcano, Ettringen, Eifel Volcanic Fields, Germany | ferroindialite | sanidinite-facies pelitic xenolith in mafic lava | |
FKM-412 | Molinello mine, Liguria, Italy | marsturite | metasomatized meta manganiferous sediment | manganese, arsenic, vanadium |
FKM-413 | Humpolec, Vysočina Region, Czech Republic | malayaite, andradite, hedenbergite, pyrite | skarn | tin |
FKM-414 | Pacific Limestone Products quarry (Kalkar quarry), Santa Cruz Co., CA, USA | pabstite, tremolite | metasomatized metacarbonate | barium, tin |
FKM-415 | Itmurundy massif (Itmuryndy), Krasnyi Oktyabr’, Aktogay, Kazakhstan | jadeite, albite | blueschist-facies Na metasomatite | |
FKM-416 | Sayano-Shushenskaya dam, Khakassia, Russia | jadeite | blueschist-facies Na metasomatite | |
FKM-417 | Saidenbach Reservoir, Forchheim, Saxony, Germany | “saidenbachite” (rock), quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, muscovite, biotite, pyrope, diamond | UHP eclogite facies granite | carbon (diamond) |
FKM-418 | Tanti, Cordoba Province, Argentina | phosphosiderite, jarosite | altered phosphate-bearing granite pegmatite | iron, phosphorus, sulfur |
FKM-419 | Dannemora mine, Östhammar, Uppsala County, Sweden | clino-ferro-suenoite | manganiferous Fe skarn | manganese |
FKM-420 | Cerchiara Mine, Borghetto Vara, Vara Valley, La Spezia Province, Liguria, Italy | aluminosugilite | meta manganiferous sediment | lithium, manganese |
FKM-421 | Titovskoe B deposit, Tas-Khayakhtakh Range, Sakha, Russia | fluoborite | high grade B-bearing skarn | boron |
FKM-422 | Alta Peak, Clear Creek Canyon, San Benito Mtns., San Benito Co., CA, USA | uvarovite, clinochlore, ferchromide | metamorphosed altered peridotite/chromatite | chromium |
FKM-423 | Amboahangy, Amboasary Sud, Anosy, Tuléar province, Madagascar | serendibite, phlogopite, quartz | high grade B-bearing skarn | boron |
FKM-424 | Voronkafotra, Betroka, Anosy, Tuléar province, Madagascar | sapphirine, diopside | UHT granulite argillaceous marble (sakenite) | |
FKM-425 | Mirošov, near Ždár, Moravia, Czech Republic | lucchesiite (tourmaline), quartz, feldspar | granite | boron |
FKM-426 | Akhmatovskaya Kop’ (Achmatovsk Mine), Nazyamskie Mountains, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia | ludwigite | high grade skarn | boron |
FKM-427 | La Fossa crater, Lipari Islands, Sicily, Italy | vonsenite | fumarole-associated metasomatism of volcanic rock | boron |
FKM-428 | Sodalite mine, Orotumba village, Kunene region, Namibia | sodalite | carbonatite-associated fenite | sodium, chlorine |
FKM-429 | Limberg quarry, Pargas, Finland | pargasite, diopside, calcite, meionite | high grade marble | |
FKM-430 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | kupletskite-(Cs) | alkali granite | cesium, manganese, lithium |
FKM-431 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | leucosphenite | alkali granite | barium, boron, lithium |
FKM-432 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | sogdianite | alkali granite | lithium, zirconium |
FKM-433 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | sugilite | alkali granite | lithium |
FKM-434 | Tip Top Mine, Fourmile, Custer Mining District, Custer Co., South Dakota, USA | jahnsite-(CaMnMg), “Fe-phosphates” | phosphate-rich zone in granite pegmatite | phosphorus, manganese, lithium |
FKM-435 | Jebel Harmun (Jabel Harum), Quds Governorate, West Bank, Palestine | ternesite, larnite | pyrometamorphic sanidinite facies phosphatic carbonate | sulfur, barium, calcium, iron |
FKM-436 | Jocão claim, Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil | tavorite | phosphate-rich zone in granite pegmatite | phosphorus, lithium |
FKM-437 | Jakobsberg, Varmland, Sweden | margarosanite | metamorphosed Pb-Ba-Mn metasomatite | lead, manganese |
FKM-438 | (South Tirodi Mine), Tirodi, Balaghat District, Madhya Pradesh, India | braunite, Mn-amphibole | hydrothermal Mn metasediment | manganese |
FKM-439 | the “Carbonatite Stock” in the vicinity of Tul’ilukht Bay, Khibiny Massif, Russia | britholite-(Ce), calcite | carbonatite | REE |
FKM-440 | Km 3 open pit, Lavrion Mining District, Lavreotiki, Attica, Greece | gaspéite | oxidized zone of Ni deposit | nickel |
FKM-441 | Aris Quarries, Aris, Windhoek Rural, Khomas Region, Namibia | sazhinite-(La), tuperssuatsiaite | nepheline phonolite | REE (lanthanum) |
FKM-442 | unnamed dumortierite occurrence, Ogilby, Cargo Muchacho Mtns, Imperial Co., CA, USA | dumortierite, hematite, quartz | meta advanced argillic assemblage | boron |
FKM-443 | Corundum Knob, Clay Co., NC, USA | plagioclase, edenite, margarite, corundum, spinel, sapphirine | retrograde granulite-facies meta-troctolite | chromium |
FKM-444 | Daimonji, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan | indialite, cordierite, muscovite | sanidinite-facies metapelite hornfels | |
FKM-445 | Norra Kärr, Småland, Sweden | fluoro-leakeite | nepheline syenite | lithium |
FKM-446 | Woods mine, Tamworth, NSW, Australia | mangano-ferri-eckermannite | meta manganiferous sediment | manganese, lithium |
FKM-447 | Crestmore quarry, Riverside Co., CA, USA | merwinite, calcite | high grade metasomatized marble (“skarn”) | |
FKM-448 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | hejtmanite, zektzerite | alkali granite | lithium, barium, manganese, titanium, zirconium |
FKM-449 | Dara-i-Pioz, Tajikistan | nalivkinite, zektzerite | alkali granite | lithium, manganese, titanium, zirconium |
FKM-450 | Kovdor massif, Murmansk region, Kola Peninsula, Russia | kovdorskite | carbonatite-associated alkaline ultramafic | phosphorus |
FKM-451 | Mpita prospect, Kimbedi, Mindouli, Republic of Congo | dioptase | secondary oxide-zone of copper occurrence | copper, lead |
FKM-452 | Přibyslavice, Bohemia, Czech Republic | sarcopside, graftonite | granite | iron, phosphorus |
FKM-453 | Khibiny massif, Kola peninsula, Russia | nenadkevichite | nepheline syenite | niobium |
FKM-454 | Toyofuku, Uki City, Kyushu Island, Japan | corundum, hercynite, plagioclase (oligoclase), biotite, cordierite | plumasite in metasomatized peridotite | chromium |
FKM-455 | Gilba valley, Brossasco, Piedmont, Italy | magnesiostaurolite | eclogite facies whiteschist | magnesium, lithium |
FKM-456 | Bordvedaven, Høgtuva, Norway | phenakite, biotite, microcline | peraluminous granitic gneiss | beryllium |
FKM-457 | Bastnäs, Sweden | ferriperboeite-(Ce), ferri-allanite-(Ce), actinolite, cerite-(Ce), quartz | REE metasomatite | REE |
FKM-458 | Stary Gierałtów, Gmina Stronie Śląskie, Kłodzko County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland | kumdykolite, almandine | nanogranite in granulite | |
FKM-459 | leucite | leucitite | potassium | |
FKM-460 | leucite | leucitite | potassium | |
FKM-461 | Limburg, Germany | augite, olivine, zeolites (phillipsite?) | limburgite porphryry | |
FKM-462 | Longido or Mundarara, Tanzania | corundum, zoisite, pargasite | high pressure “amphibolite” (meta-gabbroid) | chromium |
FKM-463 | reportedly northwest Pakistan (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province?) | amphibole | metamorphic? | |
FKM-464 | Mount Baker area, WA, USA | plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, amphibole, biotite, quartz | two-pyroxene quartz diorite | |
K-65 | Kaltes Tal, Germany | spinel group (spinel), ilmenite, olivine (forsterite), mica (biotite [Ti-rich phlogopite]) | mica peridotite | titanium |